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Showing entries 20101-20200 out of 54071.
r-deconNix package
Deconvolution Estimation in Measurement Error Models
Identifies Signatures Present in a Tumor Sample
Empirical Bayes Estimation Strategies
r-decorNix package
Retrieve Code Decorations
Fit and Deploy DECORATE Trees
Extend the Behaviour of a Function without Explicitly Modifying it
r-decpNix package
Complete Change Point Analysis
r-DEDSNix package
A Data Analysis GUI for R
Deductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and Deterministic Correction
Data Correction and Imputation Using Deductive Methods
Deductive Rational Method
Making "Deduplicated" Functions
Deduplication Across Multiple Columns
r-deepNix package
A Neural Networks Framework
Visualise and Explore the Deep Dependencies of R Packages
Deep Learning for General Purpose
Deep Gaussian Mixture Models
Bayesian Deep Gaussian Processes using MCMC
Causal Inference with Super Learner and Deep Neural Networks
Interface to the 'DeepL' Translation API
Clustering of Short Texts by Mixture of Unigrams and Its Deep Extensions
Deep Learning Toolkit in R
Deep Learning
r-DEEPRNix package
Deep Learning Prediction of Effectors
Fitting Deep Distributional Regression
Seamless Language Translation in 'RStudio' using 'DeepL' API and 'Rstudioapi'
Plotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time
Geologic Pattern Data from FGDC Used in 'deeptime'
Fitting Deep Conditional Transformation Models
r-DEETNix package
Differential Expression Enrichment Tool
r-DEEVDNix package
Density Estimation by Extreme Value Distributions
Change the Default Arguments in R Functions
Define and Parse Command Line Options
Creates Define XML Documents
r-deFitNix package
Fitting Differential Equations to Time Series Data
Deflate Nominal Brazilian Reais
Deferred List - A Read-Only List-Like Object with Deferred Access
r-defmNix package
Classify RGB Images into Forest or Non-Forest
Spatial Deformation and Dimension Expansion Gaussian Processes
Integration of One-Dimensional Functions with Double Exponential Formulas
Compute Degree Days
r-DEGRENix package
Inferring Differentially Expressed Genes using Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Models for Skewed Count Distributions Relevant to Networks
Density Estimation from GROuped Summary Statistics
Differentially Expressed Heterogeneous Overdispersion Gene Test for Count Data
Persistent Data Anonymization Pipeline
Multiple Imputation for Recurrent Events
Statistical Functions for the Delaporte Distribution
A Framework for Parallelizing Dependent Tasks
Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
r-deltNix package
r-DeltaNix package
Measure of Agreement Between Two Raters
Quantify Rhythmic Gene Co-Expression Relative to a Reference
Delta Measurement of Agreement for Nominal Data
Identification of Dichotomous Differential Item Functioning (DIF) using Angoff's Delta Plot Method
r-DELTDNix package
Kernel Density Estimation using Lifetime Distributions
r-DEMNix package
The Distributed EM Algorithms in Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models
Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Technique in R