Showing entries 51301-51400 out of 54071.
Tic-tac-toe core
Tic-tac-toe server
Transito Abierto: convenience library when using Takusen and Oracle
Table layout
Simple tool to generate tables from DSV input
Format tabular data as grid or table
A table tennis game tracking engine
Ferry Table Algebra
An interactive theorem prover based on semantic tableaux
In-memory storage with multiple keys using lenses and traversals
A client for Quill databases
Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper
Tool to render CSV into tables of various formats
Pretty-printing of CSV files
View the output of shell commands in a table
Indents source files
Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions
A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
Provides access to the dynamic pointer tagging bits used by GHC
Streamlined html tag parser
Alternative package for processing of tag soups
Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
Provides tools for serializing data tagged with type information
Reflect exceptions using phantom types
Trivial monad transformer that allows identical monad stacks to have different types
Lists tagged with a type-level natural number representing their length
QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell splices for creating proxies at higher-kinds
Simple wrappers for timing IO actions (single-threaded)
Monad transformer carrying an extra phantom type tag
Monad transformer carrying an extra phantom type tag
Library for tagging data
Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library
Lenses for the taggy html/xml parser
Binding to TagLib (ID3 tag library)
An FFI layer over TagLib's C bindings
Positional tags and tagsets
TagShare - explicit sharing with tags
Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents
Alternative parser for the tagsoup package
A Tag token parser and Tag specific parsing combinators
Tagsoup Navigate
Tokenizes Tag, so [ Tag ] can be used as parser input
Selecting subtrees from TagSoup's TagTrees using CSS selectors
Black magic tagsoup
Streamlined html tag parser
Hierarchical Tags & Tag Trees
Tahin Password Generator
Abstractions related to Tahoe-LAFS "capabilities"
The Tahoe-LAFS' Content-Hash-Key (CHK) cryptographic protocol
Tahoe-LAFS directory-like abstraction for collections of data objects
An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol
An HSpec for Great Black Swamp storage backends
Types related to implementation of a Tahoe-LAFS Great Black Swamp server
An implementation of the Tahoe-LAFS SSK cryptographic protocols
Support library to enable TAI usage on systems with time kept in UTC
Tai64 Labels for Haskell
Tail files in Unix, using hinotify
Tailwind wrapped in Haskell
A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
Tainted type, and associated operations
A library encoding the rules of Tak, and a client
Create slide for presentation
Duplicate file finder
Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC
Database library with left-fold interface for Oracle
An implementation of Typed Assembly Language (Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew)
Line oriented fast enough text search
The Tamarin prover for security protocol analysis
Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover
Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover
Utility library for the tamarin prover
Blaze-style HTML templates as a Monad Transformer
Heterogenous memoisation monad
Type-level assertion operators
Example usage of the tao package
Bidirectionally infinite streams, akin to the tape of a Turing machine
A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting
Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files
Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files
Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files
Extract and create tar files using conduit for streaming
Bidirectional state monad transformer
Generate test-suites from refinement types
Terminal Art
A command line tool for keeping track of tasks you worked on
Distributed processing of changing tasks
A command-line kanban board/task manager
CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend
CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend
A collection of tools which can be used to access taskwarrior from xmonad
Manage pools of possibly interdependent tasks using STM and async
Types and aeson instances for taskwarrior tasks
Modern and extensible testing framework
Modern and extensible testing framework
Render tasty output to XML for Jenkins
Auto discovery for Tasty with support for ingredients and test tree generation