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Showing entries 1-100 out of 100.
garcosimNix package categories
actionlintNix package
Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
banana-veraNix package
A fork of vera using python3.10
bingrepNix package
Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them
brakemanNix package
Static analysis security scanner for Ruby on Rails
cargo-tarpaulinNix package
A code coverage tool for Rust projects
ccccNix package
C and C++ Code Counter
checkovNix package
Static code analysis tool for infrastructure-as-code
checkstyleNix package
Checks Java source against a coding standard
clang-analyzerNix package
Clang Static Analyzer
clazyNix package
Qt-oriented static code analyzer based on the Clang framework
coanNix package
The C preprocessor chainsaw
codeqlNix package
Semantic code analysis engine
cov-buildNix package
Coverity Scan build tools
cozNix package
Profiler based on casual profiling
cppcheckNix package
A static analysis tool for C/C++ code
cpplintNix package
Static code checker for C++
cuttercutterNix package
Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by rizin
cutterradare2-cutterNix package
Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform powered by rizin
cvehoundNix package
Tool to check linux kernel source dump for known CVEs
dotenv-linterNix package
Lightning-fast linter for .env files
emmaNix package
A code coverage tool for Java
eresiNix package
The ERESI Reverse Engineering Software Interface
evmdis-unstableNix package
Ethereum EVM disassembler
findbugsNix package
A static analysis tool to find bugs in Java programs automatically
flowNix package
A static type checker for JavaScript
frama-cNix package
An extensible and collaborative platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software
hopperNix package
A macOS and Linux Disassembler
hotspotNix package
A GUI for Linux perf
ikosNix package
Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation
Analyze #includes in C/C++ source files with clang
jacocoNix package
A free code coverage library for Java
jdependNix package
Traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality metrics for each Java package
Simple decompiler for Rizin
kcovNix package
Code coverage tester for compiled programs, Python scripts and shell scripts
lcovNix package
Code coverage tool that enhances GNU gcov
makefile2graphNix package
Creates a graph of dependencies from GNU-Make; Output is a graphiz-dot file or a Gexf-XML file
Tool that visualizes massif data generated by valgrind
nix-linterhaskellPackages.nix-linterNix package
Linter for Nix(pkgs), based on hnix
nix-linternix-linterNix package
Linter for Nix(pkgs), based on hnix
oclgrindNix package
An OpenCL device simulator and debugger
A libre cross-platform disassembler
perl5.38.2-egyptNix package
Tool for making call graphs of C programmes
pev-unstableNix package
A full-featured, open source, multiplatform command line toolkit to work with PE (Portable Executa…
pmdNix package
An extensible cross-language static code analyzer
qcachegrindNix package
A Qt GUI to visualize profiling data
radare2Nix package
UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line tools
randoopNix package
Automatic test generation for Java
retdecNix package
A retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM
rizinNix package
UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
Rizin FLIRT Signature Database
rrrrNix package
Records nondeterministic executions and debugs them deterministically
rrrr-unstableNix package
Records nondeterministic executions and debugs them deterministically
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
Kernel module supporting the rr debugger on (some) AMD Zen-based CPUs
rz-ghidracutterPluginsNix package
Deep ghidra decompiler and sleigh disassembler integration for rizin
rz-ghidrarizinPluginsNix package
Deep ghidra decompiler and sleigh disassembler integration for rizin
smatchNix package
A semantic analysis tool for C
snowmanNix package
Native code to C/C++ decompiler
snyknodePackages.snykNix package
Scans and monitors projects for security vulnerabilities
snyknodePackages_latest.snykNix package
Scans and monitors projects for security vulnerabilities
snyksnykNix package
Scans and monitors projects for security vulnerabilities
sparseNix package
Semantic parser for C
spinNix package
Formal verification tool for distributed software systems
splintNix package
Annotation-assisted lightweight static analyzer for C
stylelintnodePackages.stylelintNix package
Mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions
stylelintnodePackages_latest.stylelintNix package
Mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions
stylelintstylelintNix package
Mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions
svlintNix package
SystemVerilog linter
swarm-unstableNix package
Verification script generator for Spin
tartan-unstableNix package
Tools and Clang plugins for developing code with GLib
tflintNix package
Terraform linter focused on possible errors, best practices, and so on
TFLint ruleset plugin for Terraform AWS Provider
TFLint ruleset plugin for Terraform Google Provider
tfsecNix package
Static analysis powered security scanner for terraform code
Parse BIOS/Intel ME/UEFI firmware related structures: Volumes, FileSystems, Files, etc
valgrindvalgrindNix package
Debugging and profiling tool suite
valgrindvalgrind-lightNix package
Debugging and profiling tool suite
yallbackNix package
Callbacks for YARA rule matches