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Showing entries 1-100 out of 814.
analysisNix package categories
build-managersNix package categories
continuous-integrationNix package categories
daprNix package categories
databaseNix package categories
documentationNix package categories
electronNix package categories
githubNix package categories
godotNix package categories
guileNix package categories
haskellNix package categories
javaNix package categories
knightosNix package categories
language-serversNix package categories
literate-programmingNix package categories
miscNix package categories
ocamlNix package categories
parsingNix package categories
profilingNix package categories
purescriptNix package categories
repository-managersNix package categories
rustNix package categories
seleniumNix package categories
yarn2nix-moreteaNix package categories
aaptNix package
A build tool that compiles and packages Android app's resources
abuildNix package
Alpine Linux build tools
agda-pkgNix package
Package manager for Agda
airNix package
Live reload for Go apps
algolia-cliNix package
Algolia’s official CLI devtool
alloy5alloyNix package
Language & tool for relational models
alloy5alloy5Nix package
Language & tool for relational models
alloy6Nix package
Language & tool for relational models
allureNix package
Allure Report is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test reporting tool
altairNix package
A feature-rich GraphQL Client IDE
An interface to send PartiQL statements to Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)
amebaNix package
A static code analysis tool for Crystal
ammoniteammoniteNix package
Improved Scala REPL
ammoniteammonite_2_12Nix package
Improved Scala REPL
amqpcatNix package
A CLI tool for publishing to and consuming from AMQP servers
Quickly get ANSI escape sequences
apkidNix package
Android Application Identifier
apkoNix package
Build OCI images using APK directly without Dockerfile
apksigcopierNix package
Copy/extract/patch android apk signatures & compare APKs
apksignerNix package
Command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
apktoolNix package
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Tool to audit dependencies based on known vulnerabilities and advisories
argcNix package
A command-line options, arguments and sub-commands parser for bash
ashpd-demoNix package
Tool for playing with XDG desktop portals
asmfmtNix package
Go assembler formatter
asn2quickderNix package
An ASN.1 compiler with a backend for Quick DER
asyncNix package
A tool to parallelize shell commands
async-profilerNix package
A low overhead sampling profiler for Java that does not suffer from Safepoint bias problem
ats-acc-unstableNix package
Pretty-print error messages of the ATS Compiler
avro-toolsNix package
Avro command-line tools and utilities
aws-sam-cliNix package
CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
Command line tools for Azure Functions
The new Azure Storage data transfer utility - AzCopy v10
b4Nix package
A helper utility to work with patches made available via a public-inbox archive
backblaze-b2Nix package
Command-line tool for accessing the Backblaze B2 storage service
baconNix package
Background rust code checker
bashateNix package
Style enforcement for bash programs
bazel-gazelleNix package
Gazelle is a Bazel build file generator for Bazel projects
bazel-kazelNix package
Kazel - a BUILD file generator for go and bazel
bazel-watcherNix package
Tools for building Bazel targets when source files change
bazeliskNix package
A user-friendly launcher for Bazel
bbinNix package
Install any Babashka script or project with one command
bearerNix package
Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks
benthosNix package
Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane
bin2c-unstableNix package
Embed binary & text files inside C binaries
bingoNix package
Like go get but for Go tools!
biodiffNix package
Hex diff viewer using alignment algorithms from biology
biomeNix package
Toolchain of the web
bloatyNix package
A size profiler for binaries
bloomNix package
Debug interface for AVR-based embedded systems development on GNU/Linux
bodycloseNix package
Golang linter to check whether HTTP response body is closed and a re-use of TCP connection is not …
bomber-goNix package
Tool to scans Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) for vulnerabilities
boomerangNix package
A general, open source, retargetable decompiler
boost-buildNix package
bpf-linkerNix package
Simple BPF static linker
bufNix package
Create consistent Protobuf APIs that preserve compatibility and comply with design best-practices
buildahNix package
A tool which facilitates building OCI images
buildah-wrapperNix package
A tool which facilitates building OCI images
buildkitNix package
Concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
bundletoolNix package
Command-line tool to manipulate Android App Bundles
bunyan-rsNix package
A CLI to pretty print logs in bunyan format (Rust port of the original JavaScript bunyan CLI)
butaneNix package
Translates human-readable Butane configs into machine-readable Ignition configs
cadreNix package
Toolkit to add Ruby development - in-editor coverage, libnotify of test runs
cambalacheNix package
RAD tool for GTK 4 and 3 with data model first philosophy
capnproto-javaNix package
Cap'n Proto codegen plugin for Java
capnproto-rustNix package
Cap'n Proto codegen plugin for Rust
cartocartoNix package
Mapnik stylesheet compiler
cartonodePackages.cartoNix package
Mapnik stylesheet compiler
cartonodePackages_latest.cartoNix package
Mapnik stylesheet compiler
castxmlNix package
C-family Abstract Syntax Tree XML Output
cbfmtNix package
A tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents
cbor-diagNix package
CBOR diagnostic utilities
cddlNix package
A parser, generator, and validator for CDDL
cdeclNix package
Translator English -- C/C++ declarations
cdecryptNix package
A utility that decrypts Wii U NUS content files
ceedlingNix package
A build system for C projects that is something of an extension around Ruby's Rake