MyNixOS website logo
Showing entries 101-200 out of 276.
hckNix package
A close to drop in replacement for cut that can use a regex delimiter instead of a fixed string
hcleditNix package
A command line editor for HCL
highlightNix package
Source code highlighting tool
html-tidyNix package
A HTML validator and `tidier'
html2textNix package
Convert HTML to plain text
huniqNix package
Command line utility to remove duplicates from the given input
hyxNix package
Minimalistic but powerful Linux console hex editor
icdiffNix package
Side-by-side highlighted command line diffs
igrepNix package
Interactive Grep
invoice2dataNix package
Data extractor for PDF invoices
ispellNix package
An interactive spell-checking program for Unix
jbofiheNix package
Parser & analyser for Lojban
jenNix package
A simple CLI generation tool for creating large datasets
jotdownNix package
A minimal Djot CLI
jsawkNix package
Like awk, but for JSON
jumanppNix package
A Japanese morphological analyser using a recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM)
justify-unstableNix package
Simple text alignment tool that supports left/right/center/fill justify alignment
kakasiNix package
Kanji Kana Simple Inverter
kdiff3Nix package
Compares and merges 2 or 3 files or directories
kyteaNix package
General toolkit developed for analyzing text
l2md-unstableNix package
Convert public-inbox archives to maildir messages
LanguageToolNix package
A proofreading program for English, French German, Polish, and more
LanguageTool API in Rust
ledger2beancountNix package
Ledger to Beancount text-based converter
link-grammarNix package
A Grammar Checking library
ltex-lsNix package
LSP language server for LanguageTool
lvNix package
Powerful multi-lingual file viewer / grep
mairixNix package
Program for indexing and searching email messages stored in maildir, MH or mbox
markNix package
A tool for syncing your markdown documentation with Atlassian Confluence pages
markdownlint-climarkdownlint-cliNix package
Command line interface for MarkdownLint
markdownlint-clinodePackages.markdownlint-cliNix package
Command line interface for MarkdownLint
markdownlint-clinodePackages_latest.markdownlint-cliNix package
Command line interface for MarkdownLint
markdownlint-cli2markdownlint-cli2Nix package
A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files…
markdownlint-cli2nodePackages.markdownlint-cli2Nix package
A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files…
markdownlint-cli2nodePackages_latest.markdownlint-cli2Nix package
A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files…
markscribeNix package
Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers
math-previewNix package
Emacs preview math inline
mawkNix package
Interpreter for the AWK Programming Language
mb2mdNix package
Mbox to maildir tool
mdbookNix package
Create books from MarkDown
mdbook-admonishNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook to add Material Design admonishments
Mdbook preprocessor to run arbitrary commands
D2 diagram generator plugin for MdBook
MDBook preprocessor for converting emojicodes (e.g. : cat :) into emojis 🐱
Mdbook backend for generating an e-book in the EPUB format
mdbook-footnoteNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook to support the inclusion of automatically numbered footnotes
mdbook-graphvizNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook, rendering Graphviz graphs to HTML at build time
Helpers for a mdbook i18n workflow based on Gettext
mdbook-katexNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook, rendering LaTeX equations to HTML at build time
Render Kroki diagrams from files or code blocks in mdbook
mdbook-linkcheckNix package
A backend for mdbook which will check your links for you
Generate manual pages from mdBooks
mdbook-mermaidNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook to add mermaid.js support
Mdbook preprocessor to add a open-on-github link on every page
mdbook-pagetocNix package
Table of contents for mdbook (in sidebar)
mdbook-pdfNix package
A backend for mdBook written in Rust for generating PDF
mdbook-plantumlNix package
MdBook preprocessor to render PlantUML diagrams to png images in the book output directory
mdbook-tocNix package
A preprocessor for mdbook to add inline Table of Contents support
mdcatNix package
Cat for markdown
mdhtmlNix package
Really simple CLI Markdown to HTML converter with styling support
mecabNix package
Japanese morphological analysis system
millerNix package
Like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for data formats such as CSV, TSV, JSON, JSON Lines, and positi…
mir.qualiaNix package
Dynamically enable sections of config files
mmdocNix package
Minimal Markdown Documentation
morselNix package
Command line tool to translate morse code input to text in real time
mpageNix package
Many-to-one page printing utility
mrkdNix package
Write man pages using Markdown, and convert them to Roff or HTML
mw-unstableNix package
Markwhen CLI
namazuNix package
Full-text search engine
nerdfixNix package
Nerdfix helps you to find/fix obsolete nerd font icons in your project
nkfNix package
Tool for converting encoding of Japanese text
num-utilsNix package
Programs for dealing with numbers from the command line
numdiffNix package
A little program that can be used to compare putatively similar files line by line and field by fi…
odt2txtNix package
Simple .odt
openccNix package
A project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
ovNix package
Feature-rich terminal-based text viewer
papeerNix package
Convert websites into ebooks and markdown
paperoniNix package
An article extractor in Rust
papertrailNix package
Command-line client for Papertrail log management service
parNix package
Paragraph reflow for email
patchNix package
GNU Patch, a program to apply differences to files
patchutilspatchutilsNix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
patchutilspatchutils_0_3_3Nix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
patchutilspatchutils_0_4_2Nix package
Tools to manipulate patch files
pbgopyNix package
Copy and paste between devices
pecoNix package
Simplistic interactive filtering tool
percollateNix package
A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs
pinyin-toolNix package
A simple command line tool for converting Chinese characters to space-separate pinyin words
pnNix package
A libphonenumber command-line wrapper
podiffNix package
Finds differences in translations between two PO files, or revisions
poeditNix package
Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
pomskyNix package
A portable, modern regular expression language
popfileNix package
An email classification system that automatically sorts messages and fights spam
proselintNix package
A linter for prose
python3.11-teshNix package
qprintNix package
Encode and decode Quoted-Printable files
rareNix package
A fast text scanner/regex extractor and realtime summarizer
readability-clinodePackages.readability-cliNix package
Firefox Reader Mode in your terminal - get useful text from a web page using Mozilla's Readability…
readability-clinodePackages_latest.readability-cliNix package
Firefox Reader Mode in your terminal - get useful text from a web page using Mozilla's Readability…
readability-clireadability-cliNix package
Firefox Reader Mode in your terminal - get useful text from a web page using Mozilla's Readability…