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Showing entries 6401-6500 out of 21361.
Scan git repos (or files) for secrets
Version control system built on top of Git
Linting for your git commit messages
gitlsNix package
Tools to enumerate git repository URL
Gitmoji client for using emojis on commit messages
Git in your tmux status bar
gitnrNix package
Create .gitignore files using one or more templates from TopTal, GitHub or your own collection
A FOSS Git multiplatform client based on Compose and JGit
Finely-grained git repository hosting
Gitops for non-Kubernetes folks
Command-line application for interacting with git repositories
Simple Git prompt
Multi-platform Git client written with Qt
Simple, opinionated, tool, written in Rust, for declaratively managing Git repos on your machine
Keyless Git signing using Sigstore
Git history statistics generator
10x faster implementation of git status command
gittufNix package
Security layer for Git repositories
gittyNix package
Contextual information about your git projects, right on the command-line
Graphical Git client designed to help you understand and manage your source code history
gituNix package
TUI Git client inspired by Magit
gituiNix package
Blazing fast terminal-ui for Git written in Rust
Easily update multiple Git repositories at once
Watch a filesystem and automatically stage changes to a git
Distributed version control system
Tool which leverages Public GitHub REST APIs for various tasks
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
givarogivaro_3Nix package
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
givarogivaro_3_7Nix package
C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
gixyNix package
Nginx configuration static analyzer
gizaNix package
Scientific plotting library for C/Fortran
gjayNix package
Generates playlists such that each song sounds good following the previous song
gjoNix package
Small utility to create JSON objects
gjsNix package
JavaScript bindings for GNOME
gk-cliNix package
CLI for Git collaboration across multiple repos and services
Themeable process stack of system monitors
glNix package
Air combat simulator
Very basic OpenGL demo for testing NVIDIA's G-SYNC technology on Linux
gl2psNix package
OpenGL to PostScript printing library
gl3wNix package
Simple OpenGL core profile loading
glabNix package
GitLab CLI tool bringing GitLab to your command line
Create labels and business cards
GLabels Label Designer (Qt/C++)
gladeNix package
User interface designer for GTK applications
GlamorousToolkit Development Environment
glanceNix package
Self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place
Cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
glasNix package
Language server for the Gleam programming language
Software for Glasgow, a digital interface multitool
The missing Package Manager for Kubernetes featuring a GUI and a CLI
TrueType VT220 font
glauthNix package
Lightweight LDAP server for development, home use, or CI
glavaNix package
OpenGL audio spectrum visualizer
Simple vector animation program
glazeNix package
Extremely fast, in memory, JSON and interface library for modern C++
C++ binding for the OpenGL API, generated using the gl.xml specification
gleNix package
Tubing and extrusion library
Statically typed language for the Erlang VM
gleeNix package
GL Easy Extension Library
OpenGL extension loading library for C/C++
glewglew-eglNix package
OpenGL extension loading library for C/C++
glewglew110Nix package
OpenGL extension loading library for C(++)
glfwglfwNix package
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
glfwglfw-waylandNix package
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
glfw-minecraftglfw-wayland-minecraftNix package
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
glfw-minecraftglfw3-minecraftNix package
Multi-platform library for creating OpenGL contexts and managing input, including keyboard, mouse,…
C library of programming buildings blocks
Network-related giomodules for glib
Test library providing test harnesses and mock classes complementing the classes provided by GLib
GNU C Library
GNU C Library
GNU C Library
glibc-iconvNix package
GNU Info manual of the GNU C Library
glibc-localesglibcLocalesNix package
Locale information for the GNU C Library
glibc-localesglibcLocalesUtf8Nix package
Locale information for the GNU C Library
Perl script used to interpret and provide human readable output of the trace log contained in the …
C++ interface to the GLib library
glibmmglibmm_2_68Nix package
C++ interface to the GLib library
Cross-platform music live coding in terminal
Linux/macOS media player based on GStreamer and GTK
gliderNix package
Forward proxy with multiple protocols support
glircNix package
Console IRC client
Git wrapper that allows you to compress multiple commands into one
gllvmNix package
Whole Program LLVM: wllvm ported to go
glmNix package
OpenGL Mathematics library for C++
OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
globNix package
Little globber for Node.js
glob2Nix package
RTS without micromanagement
globalNix package
Source code tag system
Command-line utility for managing applets and keys on Java Cards
Global Arrays Programming Models
Simple CLI tool to run networking commands remotely from hundreds of globally distributed servers
GlobalProtect VPN client (GUI) for Linux based on OpenConnect that supports SAML auth mode
Display an interactive ASCII globe in your terminal
glockNix package
Command-line tool to lock Go dependencies to specific revisions