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Showing entries 11601-11700 out of 29379.
Attribute Sampling Plan with Exact Hypergeometric Probabilities using Chebyshev Polynomials
Work with Hyperspectral Data, i.e. Spectra + Meta Information (Spatial, Time, Concentration, ...)
High Dimensional Geometry, Set Operations, Projection, and Inference Using Kernel Density Estimati…
Tools for Processing and Analyzing Files from the Hydrological Catchment Model HYPE
Random Forest Two-Sample Tests
Wrapper for ''
Wrapper for the '' Web Annotation Service
Hypothesis Matrix Translation
A Tool Used to Conduct Hypsometric Analysis of a Watershed
Multicriteria Risk Management using Zero-Sum Games with Vector-Valued Payoffs that are Probability…
Hybrid Genetic and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for High Dimensional Linear Models with Interacti…
Fit the Hysteretic Threshold Autoregressive Model
Tools for Modeling Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Processes and Ellipses
Get Pedestrian Frequency Data from the 'Hystreet' Project
Hypothesis Testing Based on Neyman-Pearson Lemma and Likelihood Ratio Test
Internationalization Data from the 'Unicode CLDR' in Tabular Form
Functions to Work with 'incidence2' Objects
Data and Functions for "An Intro
Two-Stage Adaptive Dose-Finding Clinical Trial Design
Analysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations
Interaction Difference Test for Prediction Models
r-iaiNix package
Interface to 'Interpretable AI' Modules
Monthly Iowa Liquor Sales Summary
Iterative Alternating Least Square Estimation for Large-Dimensional Matrix Factor Model
Formulations of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam
r-iARNix package
Irregularly Observed Autoregressive Models
Item Analysis in Rasch Models
Model Selection for Index of Asymmetry Distribution
r-IATNix package
Cleaning and Visualizing Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data
Compute Effect Sizes and Reliability for Implicit Association Test (IAT) Data
Scoring Algorithm for the Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Implicit Association Test Scores Using Robust Statistics
r-ibNix package
Bias Correction via Iterative Bootstrap
Iterative Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Descriptor Selection Method
Functions and Datasets for the Data Science Course at IBAW
r-ibbNix package
R Wrapper for Istanbul Municipality Open Data Portal
r-ibdNix package
Incomplete Block Designs
Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members
Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members
Belief Function Implementation
Initial Basic Feasible Solution for Transportation Problem
r-ibhNix package
r-ibmNix package
Individual Based Models in R
Connect to Your 'IBM Acoustic' Data
Toolkits to Develop Individual-Based Models in Infectious Disease
IBM in-Database Analytics for R
Individual Based Model Population Simulation
Generate Personality Insights Sunburst Diagrams
r-ibrNix package
Iterative Bias Reduction
Model Agnostic Instance Level Variable Attributions
R API to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation
Integrating Biomarker-Based Assessments and Radarchart Creation
r-ibsNix package
Integral of B-Spline Functions
Improper Bagging Survival Tree
A Copy Number and Expression-Based Classifier for Breast Tumours
Training Datasets for iC10 Package
r-IC2Nix package
r-icaNix package
Independent Component Analysis
'iCalendar' Parsing
Infer Community Assembly Mechanisms by Phylogenetic-Bin-Based Null Model Analysis
In-Depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational Signatures ('ICAMS')
Optimal Designs for Nonlinear Statistical Models by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA)
Subsetting using Focused Identification of the Germplasm Strategy (FIGS)
Integrative Conditional Autoregressive Horseshoe Model
Calibrates and Reweights Units in Samples
Data-Driven Design of Targeted Gene Panels for Estimating Immunotherapy Biomarkers
r-ICCNix package
Facilitating Estimation of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
Cox Model with Interval-Censored Starting Time of a Covariate
Multilevel Model Intraclass Correlation for Slope Heterogeneity
Facilitates Clustered Binary Data Generation, and Estimation of Intracluster Correlation Coefficie…
Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for Count Data
Computation of the Double-Entry Intraclass Correlation
An Ensemble Method for Interval-Censored Survival Data