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Showing entries 11701-11800 out of 29379.
Intracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC) in Clustered Categorical Data
Estimates the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for Trajectory Data
Metadata Processing for the German Modification of the ICD-10 Coding System
Mapping ICD Codes to Comorbidity
EM by the Method of Weights for Incomplete Categorical Data in Generlized Linear Models
'ICD' Programs for Injury Categorization in R
Identification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathway with Omics Data
r-ICENix package
Individual Conditional Expectation Plot Toolbox
Print Debugging Made Sweeter
IntraClass Effect Decomposition
Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Inference using Two Unbiased Samples
Analyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing Data
Regression Models for Interval Censored Data
Accompanion to the Book on Interval Censoring by Bogaerts, Komarek, and Lesaffre
Study Design and Data Analysis in the Presence of Error-Prone Diagnostic Tests and Self-Reported O…
Calculate and Plot ICER
Functions Related to ICES Advice
ICESat-2 Altimeter Data using R
Provides User Tokens for Access to ICES Web Services
DATRAS Trawl Survey Database Web Services
Functions to Interact with the ICES Data Submission Utility (DATSU)
Run Quality Checks on Data Prior to Submission to ICES
Stock Assessment Graphs Database Web Services
Stock Database Web Services
Functions to Support the ICES Transparent Assessment Framework
Link to the ICES Vessel Monitoring System and Logbook Database Web Services
ICES Vocabularies Database Web Services
Estimation of Number of Clusters and Identification of Atypical Units
Information Criteria for Generalized Linear Regression
Fit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval Censored Data
Visualization and Tools for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Strategies
A Button-Based GUI for Financial and Economic Data Analysis
Log-Concave Distribution Estimation with Interval-Censored Data
Fast Integrative Clustering and Feature Selection for High Dimensional Data
Empirical Bayes Variable Selection via ICM/M Algorithm
Interval Censored Multi-State Models
Data Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs with Interval-Censoring
Independent Component Analysis Based Extreme Learning Machine
Global Triangular and Penta-Hexagonal Grids Based on Tessellated Icosahedra
Survival Analysis of Interval-Censored Data
Reproducible Data Retrieval from the ICPSR Archive
r-icrNix package
Compute Krippendorff's Alpha
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Ranks
Interval Censored Recursive Forests
A Modified Random Survival Forest Algorithm
r-ICSNix package
Tools for Exploring Multivariate Data via ICS/ICA
Tandem Clustering with Invariant Coordinate Selection
Interval-Censored Sequence Kernel Association Test
Tools for Multivariate Nonparametrics
Outlier Detection Using Invariant Coordinate Selection
ICSS Algorithm by Inclan/Tiao (1994)
ICS via a Shiny Application
Data Smoothing by Interpolating Cubic Splines
Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Interval-Censored Data
Inverse Compliance Score Weighting
Estimating and Testing the Number of Interesting Components in Linear Dimension Reduction
r-ICVNix package
Indirect Cross-Validation (ICV) for Kernel Density Estimation
Vector Fields from Spatial Time Series of Population Abundance
Individual Diversity-Area Relationships
Datasets and Functions for the Class "Modelling and Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences"
R Interface to the US Census Bureau International Data Base API
Update Chinese ID Card Number to Eighteen Digits
Interactive Application for Analyzing Representativeness and Nonresponse Bias
r-IDENix package
Integro-Difference Equation Spatio-Temporal Models
Agnostic, Idiomatic Data Filter Module for Shiny
Easy Manipulation of IDEAM's Climatological Data
Integrating Data Exchange and Analysis for Networks ('ideanet')
Individual and Group Farm Sustainability Assessments using the IDEA4 Method
Efficient Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments
Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness
Interactive Dendrograms
Various Methods for Estimating Intrinsic Dimension
Isolate-Detect Methodology for Multiple Change-Point Detection
r-IDFNix package
Estimation and Plotting of IDF Curves
Integrative Differential Network Analysis in Genomics
Shiny App
Forensic Authorship Analysis
Individual Dynamic Latent Factor Model
r-idmNix package
Incremental Decomposition Methods
Interpreting Differences Between Mean ACT Scores