Showing entries 13201-13300 out of 29379.
Estimation of Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer from Radiation Exposure
Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
Modelling Interactions in High-Dimensional Data with Backtracking
High-Dimensional Lasso Generalized Estimating Equations
3CoSE Algorithm
Nonparametric P-Value Estimation for Predictors in Lasso
L1 Regularized Regression (Lasso) Solver using the Cyclic Coordinate Descent Algorithm aka Lasso S…
Sparsed Sliced Inverse Regression via Lasso
Evaluation of the Role of Control Variables in Structural Equation Models
Draws Diagrams Useful for Checking Latent Scales
Inference on LATEs under Network Interference of Unknown Form
Converting Latent Variables into Likert Scale Responses
Bayesian Model Averaging for Univariate Link Latent Gaussian Models
Fast Computation of Latent Correlations for Mixed Data
Data Simulation Based on Latent Factors
Graphical Models with Latent Variables
Latent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical Networks
Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops
Functions to Calculate Common Laterality Statistics in Primatology
Linear Approach to Threshold with Ergodic Rate for Reaction Times
Use LaTeX Expressions in Plots
Diff TeX, 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' Files Using the 'latexdiff' Utility
Convert Tables to PDF or PNG
Write Equations in a Way that You Can Read
A Framework for Clustering Longitudinal Data
Interface to 'LattE' and '4ti2'
Trellis Graphics for R
Lattice-Based Space-Filling Designs
Extra Graphical Utilities Based on Lattice
Multi-Resolution Kriging Based on Markov Random Fields
Latent Variable Models
Latent Variable Analysis
Convenience Functions for Package 'lavaan'
Graphical User Interface with Integrated 'Diagrammer' for 'Lavaan'
Path Diagrams for 'Lavaan' Models via 'DiagrammeR'
Latent Variable Count Regression Models
Lava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals(3 Methods)
Tools for Model Specification in the Latent Variable Framework
Lava Estimation for the Sum of Sparse and Dense Signals
Latent (Variable) Analysis with Bayesian Learning
Tools for Biostatistics, Public Policy, and Law
Loglikelihood Adjustment for Extreme Value Models
Simple but Efficient Rowwise Jobs
Lazy Learning for Local Regression
Persistent Large Data Array with Lazy-Loading on Demand
Progress Bar with Remaining Time Forecast Method
A LazyData Facility
Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation
Delayed Read for 'GDAL' Vector Data Sources
Lazy SQL Programming
Learn Computer and Data Science using Algorithmic Trading
LaTeX Wrappers for R Users
Latent Budget Analysis for Compositional Data
Limited-memory BFGS Optimization
Limited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters with optim() 'C' Interface
Log Binomial Regression Model in Exact Method
Implementation of Logistic Box-Cox Regression
The Length-Biased Power Garima Distribution
Log-Binomial Regression with Constrained Optimization
Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio
Localised Co-Dependency Analysis
Latent Class Analysis (LCA) with Familial Dependence in Extended Pedigrees
LCARS Aesthetic for Shiny
Variable Selection for Latent Class Analysis
Longitudinal Concordance Correlation
Latent Class Capture-Recapture Models
Latent Class Discriminant Analysis
Linear Combination Fitting
Data sets for package ``LMERConvenienceFunctions''
A Bayesian Multi-Dimensional Couple-Based Latent Risk Model
Bayesian Non-Parametric Latent-Class Capture-Recapture
Extended Mixed Models Using Latent Classes and Latent Processes
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) Quality Assessment
Simple Tools to Compute Landscape Connectivity Metrics
Liouville Copulas
Ordinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log Link
Bayesian Joint Latent Class and Regression Models
Univariate and Bivariate Latent Change Score Modelling
Local Correlation, Spatial Inequalities, Geographically Weighted Regression and Other Tools
Stock Data Analysis Functions
Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models
Linkage Disequilibrium of Ancestry (LDA) and LDA Score (LDAS)
Biplot Graphical Interface for LDA Models