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Showing entries 19601-19700 out of 29379.
Portfolio Analysis for Nature
Portfolio Risk Analysis
Factor-Based Portfolio Sorts
Vine Based (Un)Conditional Portfolio Risk Measure Estimation
Analysis of Partially Ordered Data
Partially Ordered Sets in R
Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS Regression
Post-Selection Inference for Adjusted R Squared
Individual Dose Optimization using Population Pharmacokinetics
Quotient of Random Variables Conditioned to the Positive Quadrant
Power Simulation for Sequential Analyses and Multiple Hypotheses
Create Beautiful, Simple Personal Websites
API Wrapper Around ''
Minimal and Uncluttered Package Documentation
Generate PDF Conference Posters Using R Markdown
Tools for Working with Posterior Distributions
Non-Parametric Sampling with Parallel Monte Carlo
Data Processing after Running 'GGIR' for Accelerometer Data
Tools for Post-Hoc Analysis
Estimating the Incubation Period Distribution of Post-Infectious Syndrome
Parses Web Pages using Postlight Mercury
Infix and Postfix Logic Operators
Phylogeny-Guided OTU-Specific Association Test for Microbiome Data
Utilities for Processing Posterior Samples Stored in 'mcmc.lists'
r-POTNix package
Generalized Pareto Distribution and Peaks Over Threshold
Implementation of the Potential Model
Precision of Treatment Hierarchy (POTH)
Easy Options Management
Tools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages
Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Potts Models
Utility Functions of the Potts Models
Phased or Unphased Linkage Disequilibrium
The Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mixed Model
r-POVNix package
Partition of Variation Variance Component Analysis Method
Extension to the 'emdi' Package
Power and Reversal Power Distributions
Full Pattern Summation of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data
Power and Sample-Size Distribution of 2-Stage Bioequivalence Studies
Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics
An Interface to the 'Power BI REST APIs'
Power Estimates for ANOVA Designs
Power Analysis Tool for Joint Testing Hazards with Competing Risks Data
Power and Sample Size Calculation for Bulk Tissue and
A Bootstrap-Based Power Estimation Tool for Spatial Transcriptomics
Power Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWAS
Measuring the Power in Voting Systems
Extensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join Functions
Generalized Power Analysis for LATE
Analysis of Heavy Tailed Distributions
Sample Size Analysis for Psychological Networks and More
Power/Sample Size Calculation for Mediation Analysis
Simulation-Based Power Estimation (MSPE) for Nonlinear SEM
Power Normal Distribution
Power Analyses for the Affected Sib Pair and the TDT Design
Power Analysis for PLS Classification
Calculate Standardised Drought Indices Using NASA POWER Data
Power and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis of Epidemiological Studies
Power and Sample Size Tools
Power and Sample Size for (Bio)Equivalence Studies
Power Analysis Tools for Multilevel Randomized Experiments
Perform Power Analysis for the RI-CLPM and STARTS Model
r-PPNix package
Person Parameter Estimation
r-PP3Nix package
Projection Pursuit for Big Data Based on Data Nuggets
Partial Principal Component Analysis of Partitioned Large Sparse Matrices
Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test
An Optimal Subset Selection for Distributed Hypothesis Testing
Projection Pursuit for Cluster Identification
Probabilistic and Possibilistic Cluster Analysis
Partial and Semi-Partial (Part) Correlation
Spatial Analysis of Pakistan Population Census
Diagnosis and Visualizations Tools for Temporal Point Processes
A Glimpse at the Diversity of Peru's Endemic Plants
Projection Pursuit Classification Forest
Generalised Additive Point Process Models
PaleoPhyloGeographic Modeling of Climate Niches and Species Distributions
Projection Pursuit Based on Gaussian Mixtures and Evolutionary Algorithms
Lookup Tables to Generate Poverty Likelihoods and Rates using the Poverty Probability Index (PPI)
Prognostic Predictive Lasso for Biomarker Selection
Read Census Privacy Protected Microdata Files
Privacy-Protecting Hazard Ratio Estimation in Distributed Data Networks
Copula-Based Estimator for Long-Range Dependent Processes under Missing Data
Point Process Models with LASSO-Type Penalties
Probabilistic Two Sample Mendelian Randomization