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Showing entries 19901-20000 out of 29379.
Probit with Spatial Dependence, SAR, SEM and SARAR Models
Computing Logit & Probit Predicted Probabilities & Marginal Effects
Unsupervised Multivariate Outlier Probabilities for Large Datasets
Elementary Probability on Finite Sample Spaces
Probabilistic Sampling Design and Strategies
Interactive Document for Working with Basic Probability
Companion Package to Probability and Statistics for Economics and Business
Inference for the Stress-Strength Model R = P(Y
Display and Analyze ROC Curves
Extraction of Bands from MODIS Calibrated Radiances MOD02 NRT
Process Data Analysis
Several Methods for Procedural Name Generation
Process Map Token Replay Animation
Rule-Based Conformance Checking of Business Process Event Data
Construct Process Maps Using Event Data
Building Process Monitoring Dashboards
Process Prediction
Execute and Control System Processes
Latent Hidden Markov Models for Response Process Data
Portable Address Space Mapping
Informative Procrustean Matrix Correlation
Recreates Some 'SAS®' Procedures in 'R'
Product Density Estimation for ICA using Tilted Gaussian Density Estimates
Production Function Estimation
Research Project Directory Generator
Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
Indices of Productivity Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Product Plots for R
Probabilistic Factor Analysis for Spatially-Aware Dimension Reduction
Grades Setting and Exam Maker
Compute and Visualize Profile Extrema Functions
Profile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'
Read, Manipulate, and Write Profiler Data
Profile Likelihood for a Parameter in Commonly Used Statistical Models
Profiling Inference Functions for Various Model Classes
Profile Analysis of Multivariate Data in R
Profinit Plotting Theme
Simple Memory Profiling for R
Probabilistic Forecast Combination Using CRPS Learning
Downloading and Exploring Data from the PROFOUND Database
An Alternative Display for Profiling Information
Profile Repeatability
Profile Output Processing Tools for R
Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
Finding the Optimal Cluster Number Using Progeny Clustering
Identification of Prognosis-Related Mutually Exclusive Modules
Terminal Progress Bars
An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library
Projection Based Clustering
Project Future Case Incidence
Management of Deterministic and Stochastic Projects
A Project Infrastructure for Researchers
Automates the Creation of New Statistical Analysis Projects
Task Tracking and Project Management with GitHub
Projection Predictive Feature Selection
Calculates and Analyzes the Proliferative Index
Procrustes Matching for Latent Space Item Response Model
Patient-Reported Outcome Data Analysis with Stan
Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment of Evaluations
PROMETHEE I, II, and III Methods
PROMETHEE and GLNF for Ranking and Sorting Problems
Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
Proteomics Data Analysis and Modeling Tools
Client for the 'Alteryx Promote' API
Analysis & Measurement of Promotion Effectiveness
Dynamic 'R' Prompt
Add Tooltips in 'Shiny' Apps with 'Hint.css'
Format and Complete Few-Shot LLM Prompts
Prometheus 'PromQL' Query Client for 'R'
Propagation of Uncertainty
Various Confidence Interval Methods for Proportions
Propensity Clustering and Decomposition
Parse 'Java' Properties Files for 'R Service Bus' Applications