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Showing entries 10601-10700 out of 18547.
Haskell interface to Python
Large utility library
Useful types and definitions missing from other libraries
FindM and other missing 'M's
Haskell interface to Python
mitNix package
A git wrapper with a streamlined UX
mivNix package
Vim plugin manager written in Haskell
Mixing effects of one arrow into another one
Find optimal mixed strategies for two-player games
mixed-types-nummixed-types-numNix package
Alternative Prelude with numeric and logic expressions typed bottom-up
mixed-types-nummixed-types-num_0_6_2Nix package
Alternative Prelude with numeric and logic expressions typed bottom-up
Mixpanel client
Makes an OS X .app bundle from a binary
Generate cabal files for a Haskell project
ml-wNix package
Minimal ML language to to demonstrate the W type infererence algorithm
mlistNix package
Monadic List alternative to lazy I/O
Machine Learning Toolbox
mm2Nix package
The library that can be used for optimization of multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations
mmapNix package
Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
mmarkNix package
Strict markdown processor for writers
Command line interface to the MMark markdown processor
Commonly useful extensions for the MMark markdown processor
Monad morphisms
The library that can be used for multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations
A library that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations
Data that is taken from the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array for optimization
A library that can be used for multiple Hashable a => a -> b transformations
A small library to deal with executable endings
The "glue" between electronic tables and GraphViz
Various additional operations on lists (some with intermediate Monads)
A musical instrument synthesizer or a tool for Ukrainian language listening
A musical instrument synthesizer or a tool for Ukrainian language listening
Produces a sound recording specified by the Ukrainian text
Modifies the amplitudes of the sounds representations created by mmsyn7ukr-array and mmsyn7ukr pac…
Shows a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of p…
A simple basic interface to some SoX functionality or to produce a voice that can be used by mmsyn…
A simple reduced basic interface to some SoX functionality or to produce a voice that can be used …
Some common for mmsyn7ukr and mmsyn7ukr-array functionality using SoX
mmtfNix package
Macromolecular Transmission Format implementation
mmtlNix package
Modular Monad transformer library
MonadBase type-class for mmtl
A TypeID and UUIDv7 implementation for Haskell
Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MNIST database
Conduit utilities for MNIST IDX files
moanNix package
Language-agnostic analyzer for positional morphosyntactic tags
A HTTP server for testing HTTP clients
Mock time in tests
Mock records of functions easily
Mock library for test in Haskell
Support functions for automated testing
modNix package
Fast type-safe modular arithmetic
Communicate with Modbus devices over TCP
modelNix package
Derive a model of a data type using Generics
A parser for the modelica language
Modern library for working with URIs
Modify fasta (and CLIP) files in several optional ways
Haskell source splitter driven by special comments
Type-safe modular arithmetic
A type for integers modulo some constant
A new Prelude featuring first class modules
Reifying ClassyPrelude a la ModularPrelude
Find the modularity of a network
Clean up module imports, split and merge modules
Smash together text to make modules
Template Haskell for introspecting a module's declarations
Modular arithmetic via Numeric-Prelude
Modular C code generator
moeNix package
Html with style
MoeNix package
A FRP library based on signal functions
Utilities working with JSON dataset
A functional firewall killer
moffyNix package
Monadic Functional Reactive Programming
Samples of moffy
Events for sample codes of moffy
Sample executables of moffy - GTK3 version
Package to run moffy samples - GTK3 version
Sample executables of moffy - GTK4 version
Package to run moffy samples - Gtk4 version
mohwsNix package
Modular Haskell Web Server
moleNix package
A glorified string replacement tool
Mollie API client for Haskell
A better error monad transformer
Monadically convert object to unique integers and back
Monadically map objects to unique ints
An applicative monad that batches commands for later more efficient execution
A library for probabilistic programming
This package has been removed
Monadic abstraction for computations that can be branched and run independently
Monad, monad transformer, and typeclass representing choices
These as a transformer, ChronicleT
More flexible mtl
Monad-classes based typeclass for Ollie's logging-effect LoggingT
Monadic conversion between complex data structures and unique integers
Transformer for TCP connection with TLS and SOCKS support
Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
Stronger classes than monad-control
Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations
A monad transformer for weighted graph searches