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Showing entries 10701-10800 out of 18268.
Bindings to the morphological analyser Morfeusz
Developer tools for the Michelson Language
Client to interact with the Tezos blockchain
A custom prelude used in Morley
Upgradeability infrastructure based on Morley
A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language
morphNix package
A simple database migrator for PostgreSQL
Morpheus GraphQL
morpheus-graphql-appmorpheus-graphql-appNix package
Morpheus GraphQL App
morpheus-graphql-appmorpheus-graphql-app_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL App
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
morpheus-graphql-clientmorpheus-graphql-clientNix package
Morpheus GraphQL Client
morpheus-graphql-clientmorpheus-graphql-client_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL Client
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
morpheus-graphql-code-gen-utilsmorpheus-graphql-code-gen-utilsNix package
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
morpheus-graphql-code-gen-utilsmorpheus-graphql-code-gen-utils_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
morpheus-graphql-coremorpheus-graphql-coreNix package
Morpheus GraphQL Core
morpheus-graphql-coremorpheus-graphql-core_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL Core
morpheus-graphql-servermorpheus-graphql-serverNix package
Morpheus GraphQL
morpheus-graphql-servermorpheus-graphql-server_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL
morpheus-graphql-subscriptionsmorpheus-graphql-subscriptionsNix package
Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions
morpheus-graphql-subscriptionsmorpheus-graphql-subscriptions_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions
morpheus-graphql-testsmorpheus-graphql-testsNix package
Morpheus GraphQL Test
morpheus-graphql-testsmorpheus-graphql-tests_0_28_1Nix package
Morpheus GraphQL Test
It's all about functions
Functors, theirs compositions and transformations
Inventory is state and store
Algebraic structures
Morse code
morteNix package
A bare-bones calculus of constructions
Library for setting up and running scrapers with webdriver
Generación interactiva de mosaicos
Mosquitto client library bindings
mossNix package
Haskell client for Moss
motoNix package
General purpose migrations library
PostgreSQL-based migrations registry for moto
motorNix package
Type-safe effectful state machines in Haskell
Generate state diagrams from Motor FSM typeclasses
Reflect on Motor FSM typeclasses to obtain runtime representations
mountNix package
Mounts and umounts filesystems
List mount points
Plays videos using GStreamer and GTK+
This is a library for calculating moving averages on lists of numbers
mpNix package
Music player for linux
MP3 decoder for teaching
Print current MPD song and status as JSON
MPD/PowerMate executable
mpeffNix package
Efficient effect handlers based on evidence-passing semantics
Mpg132 bindings
mpi-hsmpi-hsNix package
MPI bindings for Haskell
mpi-hsmpi-hs_0_7_3_0Nix package
MPI bindings for Haskell
MPI bindings for Haskell
MPI bindings for Haskell
MPI bindings for Haskell
Save your spot when watching movies with @mplayer@
Simple multivariate polynomials
mpppcNix package
Multi-dimensional parametric pretty-printer with color
A minimalish prelude
A monadic, extensible pretty printing library
mprisNix package
Interface for MPRIS
Simple equational reasoning for a Haskell-ish language
mpsNix package
Simply oo
mptcpNix package
Datastructures to describe TCP and MPTCP connections
A Multipath TCP path manager
A Multipath TCP analyzer
A minimalist mpv GUI written in I/O heavy Haskell
mqttNix package
An MQTT protocol implementation
A MQTT client library
A simple way to read environment variables in Haskell
mrifkNix package
Decompiles Glulx files
mrmNix package
Modular Refiable Matching, first-class matches
msNix package
Metric spaces
Microsoft Authentication API
Microsoft Azure API
Microsoft Graph API
TDS Protocol implemented in Haskell
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
Aeson adapter for MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
An IDL Compiler for MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
A MessagePack-RPC Implementation
A MessagePack-RPC Implementation
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
mshNix package
Object-Oriented Programming in Haskell
A command line tool to change backlit colors of your MSI keyboards
Michael-Scott queue
SQL Server client library implemented in Haskell
MState: A consistent State monad for concurrent applications
msuNix package
Monitor Setup Utility
Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell
Builds decks out of a meta
Library to communicate with Mt.Gox
mtlNix package
Monad classes for transformers, using functional dependencies
mtl-cNix package
Very strict CPS'd transformers
Backported Control
Instances for the mtl classes for all monad transformers
Higher order versions of MTL classes