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Showing entries 14401-14500 out of 18345.
Servant router for non-server applications
Generate a Ruby client from a Servant API with Net::HTTP
Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON
Generate Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml specification for your servant API
Automatically generate Servant API modules
Servant content types and instances for common serialization formats
A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them
Automatically derive API server functions with named and optional parameters
Servant client for service for sending SMS to cell phones
A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them
Content-Types for rendering Mustache in servant
Embed a directory of static files in your Servant server
Servant combinators for the 'streaming' package
Client instances for the 'servant-streaming' package
Client instances for the 'servant-docs' package
Server instances for the 'servant-streaming' package
Servant Stream support for streamly
When REST is not enough
Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 2.0 specification for your servant API
Swagger Tags for Servant
servant-swagger-uiservant-swagger-uiNix package
Servant swagger ui
servant-swagger-uiservant-swagger-ui_0_3_5_5_0_1Nix package
Servant swagger ui
Servant swagger ui core components
Servant swagger ui: Jens-Ole Graulund theme
Servant swagger ui: ReDoc theme
Automatically generate Elm clients for Servant APIs
Please see the README on Github at
Typed error wrapper for Servant
TypeScript client generation for Servant
Servant servers utilities
Implementation of servant-util primitives for beam-postgres
Chekc static properties of servant APIs
Servant Integration for Waargonaut JSON Package
Servant support for delivering WebAssembly
Small library providing WebSocket endpoints for servant
Servant support for the XML Content-Type
Servant XML content-type with support for xml-conduit
XStatic adapter for servant
Servant support for yaml
Types and definitions of servant-zeppelin combinators
Client library for servant-zeppelin combinators
Server library for servant-zeppelin combinators
Swagger instances for servant-zeppelin combinators
Auto-generate a server for your datatype
Deploying Haskell code onto AWS Lambda using Serverless
Secure, modular server-side sessions
Storage backend for serversession using acid-state
Storage backend for serversession using persistent and an RDBMS
Storage backend for serversession using Redis
Snap bindings for serversession
Wai-session bindings for serversession
Yesod bindings for serversession
Tools for building services
JSON to Sql
Warp web server with template rendering
Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze
Snaplet for the ses-html package
Easy Loggingframework
Session Types for Haskell
Session types library
Session types distributed
SetNix package
See README for more info
Solve exact set cover problems like Sudoku, 8 Queens, Soma Cube, Tetris Cube
Functions that could be added to Data
Set monad
Sets of fixed size, with typelits
Set of elements sorted by a different data type
Treating files as sets to perform rapid set manipulation
A cross-platform library for setting environment variables
A console interface to the game of Set
Haskell bindings to setlocale
A Haskell implementation of setoid
setopNix package
Perform set operations on files
Uniform names (and Unicode operators) for set operations on data structures
setsNix package
Ducktyped set interface for Haskell containers
Small (TH) library to declare setters for typical `record' data type fields
Runtime-editable program settings
sexpNix package
S-Expression parsing/printing made fun and easy
Invertible grammar combinators for S-expressions
Produce a s-expression representation of Show values
sexprNix package
S-expression printer and parser
Simple s-expression parser
A flexible library for parsing and printing S-expression
sextNix package
Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors with type-encoded length
SFMLNix package
SFML bindings
Minimal bindings to the audio module of sfml
Higher level library on top of SFML
sfmtNix package
SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) binding
A command line tool to convert TrueType/OpenType fonts to WOFF format
SFontNix package
SFont SDL Bitmap Fonts
SGNix package
Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection
sgdNix package
Stochastic gradient descent library
An example of using the SG and OpenGL libraries
sgfNix package
SGF (Smart Game Format) parser
(updated) Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection
sgrepNix package
Sgrep - grep Fasta files for sequences matching a regular expression
sh2mdNix package
Record your shell session and print in the markdown format
SHANix package
Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
SHA hashes for io-streams
Validation SHA Implementations