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Showing entries 14701-14800 out of 18268.
Singletons and induction over GHC TypeLits
Basic singleton types and definitions
singletons-basesingletons-baseNix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
singletons-basesingletons-base_3_3Nix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
singletons-basesingletons-base_3_4Nix package
A promoted and singled version of the base library
Presburger Arithmetic Solver for GHC Type-level natural numbers with Singletons package
singletons-thsingletons-thNix package
A framework for generating singleton types
singletons-thsingletons-th_3_3Nix package
A framework for generating singleton types
singletons-thsingletons-th_3_4Nix package
A framework for generating singleton types
Multivariate polynomial factorization via bindings to Singular-factory
sinkNix package
An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation
sintNix package
Nat singletons represented by Int
Siphash: a fast short input PRF
Encode and decode CSV files
Siren Tools for Haskell
Sirkel, a Chord DHT
SitNix package
Prototypical type checker for Type Theory with Sized Natural Numbers
Sitemap parser
Generate XML Sitemaps & Sitemap Indexes
A simple to understand static site generator
sixelNix package
Sixel library to show images in a terminal emulator
A six figure group of time
An eDSL for writing 65(C)02 bytecode
Sized functors, for size-based enumerations
Fast size comparison for standard containers
sizedNix package
Sized sequence data-types
Multidimensional grids with sized specified at compile time
Sized types in Haskell using the GHC Nat kind
Size-parameterized vector types and functions
Create a Sized version of any container
Aeson instances for 'Sized'
QuickCheck instance for 'Sized'
'Sized' wrappers for text
sizesNix package
Recursively show space (size and i-nodes) used in subdirectories
sjspNix package
Simple JavaScript Profiler
SJWNix package
The Simple Javascript Wrench
skeinNix package
Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions
Skeletal set - a set with equivalence relation different from equality
Batteries-included, opinionated test framework
A tool to access the OSX keychain
Manage project skeletons
skellNix package
An overly complex Haskell web framework
A client
Sketch programming with Copilot
Random access lists: skew binary
skewsNix package
A very quick-and-dirty WebSocket server
An implementation of pure skip lists
Skip variables
Check dates of container images
skulkNix package
Eclectic collection of utility functions
Skylark client
Syntax highlighting library
Syntax highlighting library
Customized Skylighting syntax highlighters
ANSI formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
HTML formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
ConTeXt formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
LaTeX formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
Lucid support for Skylighting
Utilities for modifying Skylighting syntaxes
Skype Desktop API binding for Haskell
Export Skype chat logs to text files
slabNix package
A programmable markup language to generate HTML
slackNix package
Haskell API for interacting with Slack
Bindings to the Slack RTM API
Slack notifier for Haskell project
Please see the README on GitHub at
Slack API Request Verification HMAC
Bindings for the Slack web API
slateNix package
A note taking CLI tool
A fundamental solution to ghost threads and silent exceptions
sleepNix package
Generate C++ skeletons from slice files
Python-ish slicing traversals for Haskell
slickslickNix package
A quick & easy static site builder built with shake and pandoc
slickslick_1_3_1_0Nix package
A quick & easy static site builder built with shake and pandoc
Ws convert markdown to reveal-js
Generate slides from Haskell code
slimNix package
Functional reactive user interface programming
SLIP-0032: Extended serialization format for BIP-32 wallets
slistNix package
Sized list
A command line interface to Sloane's OEIS
Visualize mathematical function's slope fields
Write lambdas without naming the parameters
slothNix package
Testing for minimal strictness
Pure Haskell slotmap implementation over ST or IO
slugNix package
Type-safe slugs for Yesod ecosystem
Clean URI slugs for Haskell
Convert text into slugs
slynxNix package
Handle molecular sequences
Serialize to bytes
Low-level unboxed arrays, with minimal features
Flatten camel case text in LaTeX files
A property-based testing library
See README for more info
SmallCheck properties for common laws
SmallCheck properties for lens
Extra SmallCheck series and utilities
A Haskell port of the smallpt path tracer