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Showing entries 15701-15800 out of 18345.
Streaming support through pipes for symantic-http
Symantic-http applied to the derivation of HTTP servers
Test symantic-http and its companion libraries
Symantics for common types
Parser combinators statically optimized and staged via typed meta-programming
Library for reading, validating and writing XML
Data serialization, communication, and operation verification implementation
A 'Symbol' type for fast symbol comparison
Type level string parser combinators
Symlink functions
Efficient global Symbol table, with Garbage Collection
Symbol manipulation
SymEngine symbolic mathematics engine for Haskell
SymEngine symbolic mathematics engine for Haskell
Monoids for sameness and uniqueness
Derivation of symbols and coordinate triplets Library
symonNix package
Minimal implementation(s) of the classic electronic memory game
Type level string parser combinators
syncNix package
A fast implementation of synchronous channels with a CML-like API
Fast incremental file transfer using Merkle-Hash-Trees
Synchronous communication channels
Haskell bindings for the Syncthing REST API
syntNix package
Similar code analysis
Generic representation and manipulation of abstract syntax
Distfix expression parsing library
Reversible parsing and pretty-printing
Syntax instances for Attoparsec
Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions
Example JSON parser/pretty-printer
Syntax instance for pretty, the pretty printing library
Text and ByteString printers for 'syntax'
Convert between different Haskell syntax trees
Convert between different Haskell syntax trees
Syntax Macros in the form of an EDSL
Working with Google's SyntaxNet output files - CoNLL, Tree
Audio signal processing coded in Haskell
Control synthesizer effects via ALSA/MIDI
Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part
Audio signal processing with static physical dimensions
Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Filter networks
Audio signal processing with dynamic physical dimensions
Efficient signal processing using runtime compilation
Render audio signals from MIDI files or realtime messages
Auth with smbclient command
A replacement for System
Haskell Interface for getting overall system statistics
Decode RFC 3164 and RFC 5424 syslog message formats
Sybase 15 sysmon reports processor
Get argv[0] as a FilePath
Abstract data type for canonical paths with some utilities
A replacement for System
Error reporting functions
A bunch of system utilities used by other projects
Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions (deprecated)
High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations (deprecated)
GPIO wrapper libary for Raspberry Pi
Get the name of the operating system
Binding to Linux's inotify interface
Lifted versions of System functions
A library for accessing the /proc filesystem in Linux
Get system locales
A toy module to temporarily redirect a program's stdout
Random number generation for extensible effects
Runs system tests of applications
Simple library for using the system's monotonic clock
Various system utils lifted to EitherT
Bindings to system UUID functions
systemdsystemdNix package
Systemd facilities (Socket activation, Notify)
systemdsystemd_2_4_0Nix package
Systemd facilities (Socket activation, Notify)
Systemd bindings
Send notifications for systemd units to
Let systemd bind the server's socket for you
An application that regularly logs system stats for later analysis
Let you put anything in the system tray
syzNix package
Scrap Your Zippers
Matchers and grammars using tree regular expressions
Tic-tac-toe Rexports for client
Tic-tac-toe core
Tic-tac-toe server
taNix package
Transito Abierto: convenience library when using Takusen and Oracle
tablNix package
Table layout
tableNix package
Simple tool to generate tables from DSV input
Format tabular data as grid or table
A table tennis game tracking engine
Ferry Table Algebra
An interactive theorem prover based on semantic tableaux
In-memory storage with multiple keys using lenses and traversals
A client for Quill databases
Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper
Tool to render CSV into tables of various formats
Pretty-printing of CSV files
View the output of shell commands in a table
tabsNix package
Indents source files
Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions
A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI
Provides access to the dynamic pointer tagging bits used by GHC
Streamlined html tag parser
Alternative package for processing of tag soups
Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
Provides tools for serializing data tagged with type information