Showing entries 5201-5300 out of 18268.
File system utilities for Haskell that are missing from built in libraries
Wait and observe events on the filesystem for a path, with a timeout
File System watching tool with cli and slave functionalities
Watch a file/directory and run a command when it's modified
Implementation accompanying a WFLP'19 paper
A thin layer over USB to communicate with FTDI chips
Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library
Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library
Transfer files with FTP and FTPS
Transfer file with FTP and FTPS with Conduit
FTP client package with conduit interface based off http-conduit
FTP Client and Server Library
A command-line FTP client
Depth-typed functor-based trees, both top-down and bottom-up
Shell interface to the FreeTheorems library
The Fudgets Library
A recapitulated prelude with minimal dependencies and profligate exports
Functional UI Layout Engine
A monad for protocol-typed network programming
In-memory full text search engine
Simple sentence segmenter
IRC bot for fun, learning, creativity and collaboration
Report events to FunBot over a JSON/HTTP API
Interact with FunBot's external events
Git hook which sends events to FunBot
Functional MetaPost is a Haskell frontend to the MetaPost language
Generate Funcons interpreters from CBS description files
Call-by-value lambda-calculus with meta-programming
A modular interpreter for executing SIMPLE funcons
A modular interpreter for executing funcons
Library providing values and operations on values in a fixed universe
Create poly variadic functions for monoidal results
Combining functions
Instances of the Algebra
Combinators that allow for a more functional/monadic style of Arrow programming
KMP implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists
This package has been subsumed by semigroupoids
Tools for functor combinator-based program design
Functor combinators with tries & zippers
Friendly helpers for your recursion schemes
Infix operators for mapping over compositions of functors
FFunctor: functors on (the usual) Functors
Monad-style combinators for functors
General functor products for various Foldable instances
Collection of functor utilities, providing handy operators, like generalization of (.)
Data.FunctorM (compatibility package)
(.:) and friends, syntax for Functor and Applicative
Workflows with arrows
Utility functions for using funflow with nix
A lightweight, cross-platform, OpenGL-based game engine
Funge-98 interpreter written in Haskell
GLL parser with simple combinator interface
A unioning file-system using HFuse
FunnyPrint function to colorize GHCi output
A generalization of pattern matching
A modern DPLL-style SAT solver
Type-level function utilities
A fast, flexible, fused effect system
Handle exceptions thrown in IO with fused-effects
Monadic lens combinators for fused-effects
High-quality random number generation as an effect
Bridge between the optics and fused-effects ecosystems
Random number generation for fused-effects
A readline-like effect and carrier for fused-effects
Resumable exceptions for the fused-effects ecosystem
A fused-effects adapter for squeal-postgresql
Template Haskell helpers for fused-effects
Effectful streaming library based on shortcut fusion techniques
GHC plugin to make stream fusion more predictable
Types for the fusion-plugin package
An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language
An implementation of the Futhark data format
Definition and serialisation instances for Futhark manifests
Client implementation of the Futhark server protocol
Generate Haskell wrappers for Futhark libraries
Simple IP-over-UDP tunnel using TUNTAP
Supposed to mimics and enhance proposed C++ "future" features
Realtime resource handling with manual concurrency
Simple and fast implementation of Future
A simple checker for stress testing monadic code
Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search
Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search
Libary for parsing dates in strings in varied formats
Tools for processing unstructured text data
Fuzzy time types, parsing and resolution
Fuzzy time types, parsing and resolution
Generators for fuzzy-time types
Translates high-level definitions of "fuzzily" scheduled objects (e.g. play this commercial 10 tim…
Fuzzy text matching
Fuzzy set data structure for approximate string matching
Fuzzy set for approximate string matching
A 'ten past six' style clock
Fast Mutable Vars
Game engine
FWGL GLFW backend
FWGL GHCJS backend
Horizontally composable effects
Interface to the FXPak/FXPak Pro USB interface