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Showing entries 801-900 out of 18547.
Simple gloss renderer for apecs
2D physics for apecs
Gloss rendering for apecs-physics
STM stores for apecs
Server and community browser for the game Tremulous
Library for easily building REST API wrappers in Haskell
Option of aeson's deriveJSON
Package to make APIs
Api client for popular Ukrainian bank - Monobank
OpenTheory unicode character API
JSON-RPC API client for Accumulate blockchain
RPC API client for Factom
Simple json-rpc client for PegNet
DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs
Api bindings for Yoti services
Simple and type safe web framework that generate web API documentation
Authenticate support for apiary web framework
Clientsession support for apiary web framework
Cookie support for apiary web framework
Eventsource support for apiary web framework
Helics support for apiary web framework
A http client for Apiary
Fast-logger support for apiary web framework
Memcached client for apiary web framework
MongoDB support for apiary web framework
Persistent support for apiary web framework
Purescript compiler for apiary web framework
Redis support for apiary web framework
Session support for apiary web framework
Websockets support for apiary web framework
FFI API generator for several languages
Consumer library for
apisNix package
A Template Haskell library for generating type safe API calls
Apple Push Notification service HTTP/2 integration
A faster debian repository
Applicative (functional) bidirectional programming beyond composition chains
A library to manage application settings (INI file-like)
apparNix package
A simple applicative parser
appcNix package
App container types and tools
Append-only cooperative agreement
Persistent integration for ppend-only cooperative agreement
Map with a Semigroup and Monoid instances delegating to Semigroup of the elements
appleNix package
Apple array language compiler
Library for Apple Push Notification Service
Call AppleScript from Haskell, and then call back into Haskell
A class for things that can be applied
Instances for Applicative
Applicative functor and monad which collects all your fails
Generalized logic operations for Applicative and Alternative functors
Applicative-based numeric instances
An applicative parser combinator library
Quasiquoters for idiom brackets and an applicative do-notation
Write applicative programs in direct style (generalizes idiom brackets)
Lift a binary, non-decreasing function onto ordered lists and order the output
apply-refactapply-refactNix package
Perform refactorings specified by the refact library
apply-refactapply-refact_0_11_0_0Nix package
Perform refactorings specified by the refact library
apply-refactapply-refact_0_14_0_0Nix package
Perform refactorings specified by the refact library
apply-refactapply-refact_0_9_3_0Nix package
Perform refactorings specified by the refact library
Apply a function to an argument specified by a type level Nat
Apply functions to arguments in an unordered type-directed fashion
Round a set of numbers while maintaining its sum
ApproveAPI Haskell Client
Easy-to-use emulation of approximate, ranges and tolerances in Haskell
Approximate randomization test
Function approximation
Approximate discrete values and numbers
Newtype wrappers for approximate equality
Wipes time stamps from .a files (like ar -D)
Pure Haskell arbitrary length FFT library
FFI binding to the Intel Array Building Blocks (ArBB) virtual machine
Datadog client for Haskell
LRU cache based on STM
Counter library for submitting metrics to a backend such as datadog
Simple logging library
Core metric library for publishing metrics
Metric library backend for datadog
Convenience types and functions for postgresql-simple
arbttNix package
Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker
Parse ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) raster GIS files
Simple viewer for ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) geospatial data
Distribute hackage packages to archlinux
Arch Linux official and AUR web interface binding
A library and programs for creating hardlinked incremental archives or backups
Common interface using libarchive
Backpack signature for archive libraries
Common interface using the tar package
Common interface using the tar-bytestring package
Archive supplied URLs in WebCite & Internet Archive
Support for working with Arch Linux packages
Website maintenance for Arch Linux packages
Convert Arch Linux package updates in RSS to pretty markdown
Arduino programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL
arenaNix package
A journaled data store
arffNix package
Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files
An interpreter for the Argh! programming language in wxHaskell
argoNix package
Parse and render JSON
argonNix package
Measure your code's complexity
Memory-hard password hash and proof-of-work function
Command line parsing framework for console applications
A computer assisted argumentation transcription and editing software