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Showing entries 1001-1100 out of 17883.
atlasNix package
Skyline rectangle packing
Atlassian Connect snaplet for the Snap Framework and helper code
Code that helps you create a valid Atlassian Connect Descriptor
atmosNix package
1976 US Standard Atmosphere Model
Dimensional wrapper on atmos package
Dimensional-tf wrapper on atmos package
An interface of ATND API
atomNix package
An EDSL for embedded hard realtime applications
Basic Atom feed construction
Streaming parser/renderer for the Atom 1.0 standard (RFC 4287)
Convenience functions for using Atom with the MSP430 microcontroller family
Mutable counters that can be modified with atomic operatinos
Functions to atomically write to files
A typeclass for mutable references that have an atomic modify operation
Generalizations of atomicModifyIORef
A safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell
An atomic counter implemented using the FFI
Atomic operations on Data
Atomically write to a file
atomoNix package
A highly dynamic, extremely simple, very fun programming language
atpNix package
Interface to automated theorem provers
Translation from Ocaml to Haskell of John Harrison's ATP code
A small collection of monad (transformer) instances
Faster integer division and modulus operations
A source-code formatter for ATS
A build tool for ATS
ATS scripts for Cabal builds
Marshal ATS types into Haskell
Concrete data type for handling extensible exceptions as failures
Subtyping relations and variance roles
Attenuation support for Profunctors
A script I use to run "attic" for my backups
Efficient parsing and serialisation of S-Expressions
Fast Bencode encoding and parsing library
Simple lightweight JSON parser, generator & manipulator based on ByteString
Minimal mail delivery agent (MDA) for local mail with maildir support
attoparsecattoparsecNix package
Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
attoparsecattoparsec_0_13_2_5Nix package
Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
attoparsec-aesonattoparsec-aesonNix package
Parsing of aeson's Value with attoparsec
attoparsec-aesonattoparsec-aeson_2_2_0_1Nix package
Parsing of aeson's Value with attoparsec
An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec
Fetch only base64 characters, erroring in the attoparsec monad on failure
Binary processing extensions to Attoparsec
Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit
A parser for CSV files that uses Attoparsec
Parsers for the standard Haskell data types
Pass input from an enumerator to an Attoparsec parser
Port of parsec's expression parser to attoparsec
Use Attoparsec to parse framed protocol byte streams
Parse IP data types with attoparsec
Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson
An adapter to convert attoparsec Parsers into blazing-fast Iteratees
An Attoparsec compatibility layer for Parsec
Convenience bindings between path and attoparsec
Conveniently run Attoparsec parsers
Attoparsec parsers of time
Interleaved effects for attoparsec parsers
URI parser / printer using attoparsec
Variable-length integer decoding for Attoparsec
Split a lazy bytestring at boundaries defined by an attoparsec parser
Visualisation of Strange Attractors in 3-Dimensions
atuinNix package
Embedded Turtle language compiler in Haskell, with Epic output
Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor
A battery-included audiovisual framework
A Haskell FFI wrapper for the Augeas API
augurNix package
Renaming media collections in a breeze
aurNix package
Access metadata from the Arch Linux User Repository
ArchLinux AUR json v5 API
auraNix package
A secure package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR
Yet another parser generator for C/C++
Authentication methods for Haskell web applications
Authentication methods for Haskell web applications
LDAP authentication for Haskell web applications
Library to authenticate with OAuth for Haskell web applications
Password querying for .authinfo
A library for writing papers
autoNix package
Denotative, locally stateful programming DSL & platform
Deriving (Show|Read)(1|2)
Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions
Template Haskell to automatically pass values to functions
Self-documenting encoder and decoder
Autodocodec interpreters for openapi3
Autodocodec interpreters for JSON Schema
Autodocodec interpreters for Servant Multipart
Autodocodec interpreters for swagger2
Autodocodec interpreters for yaml
Automatically re-export modules
GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3)
automNix package
Generates and displays patterns from next nearest neighbors cellular automata
Automotive CSE emulation
Automotive CSE emulation
Library for Nix expression dependency generation
Generate dependencies for KDE 5 Nix expressions
Custom Setup to automate package modules discovery
EDSL for Procmail scripts
avahiNix package
Minimal DBus bindings for Avahi daemon (
AVarNix package
Mutable variables with Exception handling and concurrency support