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Showing entries 801-900 out of 938.
S-expression pretty-printer
A library to use CSS-style selectors to traverse sexp trees
Library for serializing OCaml values to and from S-expressions
Library containing the definition of S-expressions and some base converters
Binding for SHA interface code in OCaml
Shared memory rings for RPC and bytestream communications
Shared memory rings for RPC and bytestream communications using Lwt
Yet another implementation of fork&exec and related functionality
Process library and s-expression based shell
Bindings to the fixed-point mp3 encoding library shine
Simple_diff is a pure OCaml diffing algorithm
Url safe slug generator for OCaml
Sane OCaml String API
Bindings for the soundtouch library which provides functions for changing pitch and timestretching…
Spawning sub-processes
Bindings to libspeex
Fuzzy string searching, using Levenshtein automaton
A splay tree implementation
PRNG that can be split into independent streams
OCaml bindings to the SQLite 3 database access library
OCaml bindings for the libsrt library
OCaml bindings for libssl
Various signed and unsigned integers for OCaml
Standard IO library for OCaml
Shims for forward-compatibility between versions of the OCaml standard library
Dune's unstable standard library
A library for representing a list temporarily stored in reverse order
A collection of types suitable for incremental serialization
Extra string functions for OCaml
Simple wrapper to access the system logger from OCaml
Bindings for the taglib library which provides functions for reading tags in headers of audio file…
Decode and encode tar format files in pure OCaml
Decode and encode tar format files from Unix
OCaml TCP/IP networking stack, used in MirageOS
A multi-purpose library for OCaml
OCaml implementation of the T-Digest algorithm
An OCaml library implementing the Telegram bot API
A lightweight library for dispatching and handling events, with a focus on metrics and instrumenta…
Basic utilities for interacting with terminals
Get the dimensions of the terminal
Text output utilities
Base58 encoding for Tezos
Bindings to libtheora
A lock-free thread-safe integer keyed hash table
Provides a let-syntax for continuation-passing style
Reports the current time
Timed references for imperative state
OCaml date time handling library
Virtual library for Timedesc time zone database backends
Virtual library for Timedesc local time zone detection backends
Minimal HTTP server using good old threads
TLS in pure OCaml
Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml, Async layer
Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml, MirageOS layer
Implementation in OCaml of the Toml minimal langage
A packager for distributing OCaml software
Topological sort algorithm
Ocaml bindings to Pytorch
Common interface for tracing/instrumentation libraries in OCaml
A simple backend for trace, emitting Catapult JSON into a file
Strict impure trie tree
Thin bindings to the cross-platform SDL library
OCaml SDL2_image bindings to go with Tsdl
SDL2_mixer bindings to go with Tsdl
SDL2_ttf bindings for Ocaml with Tsdl
Easy to use and user-friendly topological sort
A library for interacting with teletype and terminal emulators
Bindings to the UNIX tuntap facility
Type equality proofs for OCaml 4
Type identifiers, useful for runtime type-safe casting/coersions
Typerep is a library for runtime types
A library that makes it almost impossible for your OCaml programs to generate wrong XML output, us…
Make reactive webpages in Js_of_ocaml using Tyxml and Lwd
Compatibility library for OCaml’s Uchar module
Bindings for ECDH and ECDSA for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors
A lexer generator for Unicode and OCaml
Implementations of the union-find data structure
Unix errno types, maps, and support for OCaml
A library for parsing email headers
RFC3986 URI parsing library for OCaml
RFC3986 URI parsing library for OCaml
Bindings to io_uring for OCaml
An identifier for a user
Universal toplevel for OCaml
An OCaml library providing efficient access to a selection of character properties of the Unicode …
An OCaml module for normalizing Unicode text
An OCaml library for segmenting Unicode text
Non-blocking streaming Unicode codec for OCaml
A library to normalize an ISO-8859 input to Unicode code-point
Part of Jane Street's Core library
OCaml bindings for the Neovim API
Xen Vchan implementation
Resizable arrays for OCaml