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Showing entries 501-600 out of 938.
Entropy collection for a cryptographically secure PRNG
Abstract devices for MirageOS
Flow implementations and combinators for MirageOS
Flow implementations and combinators for MirageOS specialized to lwt
Flow implementations and combinators for MirageOS on Unix
MirageOS signatures for key/value devices
A reporter for the Logs library that writes log messages to stderr, using a Mirage CLOCK to add ti…
Mirage-nat is a library for network address translation to be used with MirageOS
Network signatures for MirageOS
Network device for reading and writing Ethernet frames via then Xen netfront/netback protocol
Collect runtime profiling information in CTF format
MirageOS signatures for network protocols
Random signatures for MirageOS
Stub random device implementation for testing
The base MirageOS runtime library, part of every MirageOS unikernel
Time operations for MirageOS
Time operations for MirageOS on Unix
Unix core platform libraries for MirageOS
Virtual network interface and software switch for Mirage
Xen core platform libraries for MirageOS
Another Emacs Org-mode and Markdown parser
OCaml interface to the GMP library
High-level library to create and manipulate multimedia streams
Function for mapping files in memory
A static parser for POSIX Shell
A simple monadic parser combinator OCaml library
PCRE-based regular expressions
Parser and generator of mail in OCaml
A modular sat/smt solver with proof output
Fast MessagePack ( library
Monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml
Monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml
Parser for multipart/form-data (RFC2388)
Mustache logic-less templates in OCaml
A library for N-ary datatypes and operations
Network device for reading and writing Ethernet frames via then Xen netfront/netback protocol
An OCaml module for functional reactive programming
UI toolkit for the terminal built on top of Notty and Lwd
Run Nottui UIs in Lwt
A pretty-printer based on PPrint rendering UIs
Declarative terminal graphics for OCaml
OCaml implementation of the Npy format spec
Legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
A comparison function for strings that sorts numeric fragments of strings according to their numer…
OCaml compiler libraries repackaged
Files contents as module constants
Freestanding OCaml runtime
OCaml Language Server Protocol implementation
A PPX extension to provide an OCaml-friendly monadic syntax
Pretty print an OCaml cmi/cmt/cmti file in human-readable OCaml signature form
A Protobuf Compiler for OCaml
Maps google protobuf compiler to Ocaml types
OCaml bindings for the R interpreter
Backport new syntax to older OCaml versions
Elm architecture and (V)DOM for OCaml
Manipulate, parse and generate OCaml compiler version strings
A build system with builtin rules to easily build most OCaml projects
Parse ocaml compiler output into structured form
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code
Auto-formatter for OCaml code (library)
Auto-formatter for OCaml code (RPC mode)
OCaml bindings for FUSE
Graph library for OCaml
Graph library for OCaml
Command line interface for user input
Natively-compiled OCaml scripts
OCamlbuild plugin for C stubs
OCaml library to read and write configuration options in JSON syntax
Preprocessor for Ocf library
Print with style in your terminal using Format’s semantic tags
A customizable tool to indent OCaml code
A simple and light-weight documentation extractor for OCaml
A simple tool and library to embed files and directories inside OCaml executables
Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64
An OCaml library implementing a simplex algorithm, in a functional style, for solving systems of l…
Syntax for RPCs for Eliom and Ocsigen Start
Eliom application skeleton
User interface widgets for Ocsigen applications
A full featured Web server
Persistent key/value storage (for Ocsigen) using multiple backends
Persistent key/value storage (for Ocsigen) - support library
Persistent key/value storage (for Ocsigen) using PostgreSQL
Persistent key/value storage (for Ocsigen) using SQLite
Ocamldoc comment syntax parser
Date and duration in OCaml
Lookup documentation of installed OCaml packages
A documentation generator for OCaml
Parser for Ocaml documentation comments
A friendly applicative interface for Jsonaf
Bindings to libogg
Runtime Library for gen_js_api generated libraries
Extensible Markdown library and tool in OCaml
Small standard library extensions, and generic system interaction modules used by opam