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Showing entries 2401-2500 out of 8967.
Python library for compiling OpenType font features
Compiles fonts from various sources (.glyphs, .ufo, designspace) into binaries formats (.otf, .ttf)
Collection of objects that implement fast font, glyph, etc. math
API for interacting with the parts of fonts during the font development process
Collection of classes implementing the pen protocol for manipulating glyphs
Library to manipulate font files from Python
API Client for Foobot Air Quality Monitoring devices
RPC protocol for Python that follows the distributed object-capability model
Python module for the FordPass API
Asynchronous Python client for getting forecast solar information
Script to format mbox as HTML/XML
FormEncode validates and converts nested structures
FormEncode validates and converts nested structures
Formulas for mixed-effects models in Python
High-performance implementation of Wilkinson formulas
Python module to work with Fortigate/Fortios devices
Python bindings for FoundationDB
Python library for generating and embedding data for unit testing
Live coding music with SuperCollider
Simple PDF generation for Python
Simple PDF generation for Python
Python interface for fplll
Collection of useful non-standard Python functions
RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation
Free proxy scraper written in python
Python module to interact with the Freebox OS API
User-friendly view of FreeRTOS kernel objects in GDB
FreeSASA Python Module
FreeType (high-level Python API)
Library that allows your Python tests to travel through time
Greybox and Coverage-based library to fuzz Python applications
Powerful, efficient particle trajectory analysis in scientific Python
Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers (Pytho…
Python API for the Frigidaire devices
Python AST parser adapter with partial error recovery
Python module to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box
Module for immutable dictionary
Python module for list-like structure
Immutable list for Python
Filesystem abstraction
Amazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2
Open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language models
Specification that Python filesystems should adhere to
XRootD implementation for fsspec
Fuzzy Self-Tuning PSO global optimization library
Given Unicode text, make its representation consistent and possibly less broken
High-level FTP client library (virtual file system and more)
Cython MeCab wrapper for fast, pythonic Japanese tokenization and morphological analysis
Allows you to specify timeouts when calling any existing function
Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
Python module for Functiontrace
Collection of fancy functional tools focused on practicality
Functional tensors for probabilistic programming
Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy
Clean customizable documentation theme for Sphinx
Python bindings for FUSE
Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE
Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2
Backport of fstrings to python<3.6
Use generic type hints and new union syntax | with python 3.6+
Fuzzy Finder implemented in Python
Library for Fuzzy Topic Models
Fuzzy string matching for Python
Collection of common code that's shared among different research projects in FAIR computer vision …
File Versioning System with hash comparison and data storage to create unlinked states that can be…
Chip support package for Cypress EZ-USB FX2 series microcontrollers
Module to access the FYTA API
Cross-platform g2p for Korean
Python package that extends NumPy arrays to operate over finite fields
Collection of gambling classes/tools
GTK+ based diagramming widget
Module for interacting with Gardena Bluetooth
Garmin Connect Python API wrapper
Garmin Connect Python API wrapper
Python module to interact with Garmin Connect
Garmin SSO auth and connect client
Module for interacting with Google Assistant API via text
Compatibility layer between the AST of various Python versions
Bluetooth (Generic Attribute Profile) GATT SDK for Python
Python library to use the GATT Protocol for Bluetooth LE devices
Gawd is a Python library and command-line tool for computing syntactic differences between two Git…
Python interface to gb-io, a fast GenBank parser written in Rust
Python bindings for libgbinder
GLib implementation of PEP 3156
Library for syncing Google Calendar to local storage
G-code generator for 3D printers that use Marlin Firmware
Python script for summarizing gcov data
Pythonic wrapper for the Google Calendar API
Convenient Filesystem interface over GCS
Python client library for Google data APIs
GDB script to enhance debugging of a QEMU-based virtual machine
CLI tool for downloading large files from Google Drive
Python implementation of Ed25519 group elements and operations
Work with Evernote from command line
Python SDK for GE smart appliances
Python SDK for GE smart appliances
Module for machine learning and optimization
Library to parse Ruby Gemfile, .gemspec and Cocoapod .podspec file using Python