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Showing entries 2501-2600 out of 8967.
Library to parse Rubygem gemspec and Gemfile files
Generate Anki decks programmatically
Generic programming (Multiple dispatch) library for Python
An SDK to interact with the AladdinConnect (or OHD) partner API
Module to interact with Genius Hub systems
Genomes and build BLAST/Bowtie indexes in Python
C/C++ source generation from an AST
Python components for parsing HTML, XML and other textual content
Topic-modelling library
Tools for generators, generator functions, and generator-based coroutines
Automatically generated zsh completion function for Python's option parser modules
Toolkit for working with spatial databases
Python API to control the Geocaching API
Module for geocoding
Spatial data examples
Algorithms for geodesics (Karney, 2013) for solving the direct and inverse problems for an ellipso…
MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Database - Python API
MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Database - Python API
GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
Python module for convenient access to GeoJSON feeds
Convert GeoJSON to WKT/WKB (Well-Known Text/Binary) and vice versa
Geometry optimization code for molecular structures
Python geospatial data analysis framework
API between Parquet files and GeoDataFrames for fast input/output of GIS data
Python Geocoding Toolbox
Python library for accessing GeoRSS feeds
Python library for accessing generic GeoRSS feeds
Python library for accessing the IGN Sismologia GeoRSS feed
Python library for accessing the INGV Centro Nazionale Terremoti GeoRSS feed
Python library for accessing Natural Resources Canada Earthquakes feed
Python library for accessing Queensland Bushfire Alert feed
Python library for accessing Tasmania Fire Service Incidents feed
Python library for accessing WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) feed
Pythonic library for reading/modifying/writing Gerber/Excellon/IPC-356 files
Get and save images from jump web viewer
Read single characters and key-strokes
Python package to get the MAC address of network interfaces and hosts on the local network
Coroutine-based networking library
SocketIO server based on the Gevent pywsgi server
Websocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server
High performance, concurrent HTTP client library using gevent
Python binding for gfal2
Python library for Google Fonts language metadata
Codepoint definitions for the Google Fonts subsetter
Misc tools for working with the Google Fonts library
Module for writing binary files in the GGUF format
Python interface to GitHub's API
Generate Github-style HTML for unified diffs
Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
Python module and CLI tool for GitHub repo statistics
Python module to detect gibberish strings
Async GitHub API library
Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python, based on dependency injection
Python client for getting air quality data from GIOS
Gevent-cooperative child processes and IPC
Python based GitHub GIST management tool
Call git-annex commands from Python
Quickly rewrite git repository history
Simple CLI tool for finding git repositories
Efficiently update, split, and rearrange git commits
Command-line tool that helps you clean up Git branches
Manage current / next version for project
Git Object Database
Save data from GitHub to a SQLite database
Framework for writing webhooks for GitHub
Wrapper for the GitHub API written in python
Wrapper for the GitHub API written in python
GitHub SDK for Python
Spec-compliant gitignore parser
Easy python module for creating git-style subcommand handling
Python Git Library
Python Git Library
Multi-Language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs
Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specifications
Python API for interacting with Glances
OpenGL implementation for ModernGL
Tools for parsing the metadata for Mozilla's glean telemetry SDK
Telemetry client libraries and are a part of the Glean project
Python bindings for GLFW
Version of the glob module that can capture patterns and supports recursive wildcards
Interface to Globus REST APIs, including the Transfer API and the Globus Auth API
Restructuring data, the Python way
Linked Data Visualizations Across Multiple Files
Tools for accessing JPEG2000 files
Google Fonts glyph set metadata
Bridge from Glyphs source files (.glyphs) to UFOs and Designspace files via defcon and designspace…
Python library for extracting information from font glyphs
GMP or MPIR interface to Python 2.4+ and 3.x
Interface to GMP, MPFR, and MPC for Python 3.7+
Python MQTT v5.0 async client
Python library for working with the Growl Notification Transport Protocol
Standard Python readline extension statically linked against the GNU readline library
Goal Zero Yeti REST Api Library
Client library for the GoCardless Pro API
Access your Google contacts from the command line
Calendar widget for GTK using PyGoocanvas