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Showing entries 11901-12000 out of 54071.
Fast monads and monad transformers
Record and replay the results of monadic actions
Resumption and reactive resumption monads for Haskell
monad-schedulemonad-scheduleNix package
A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction
monad-schedulemonad-schedule_0_2_0_1Nix package
A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction
Monads of program skeleta
Provides a MonadST class
Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state
Concise, overloaded accessors for IORef, STRef, TVar
ST monad with efficient explicit errors
ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting IO
ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting STM
MonadSTM class analogous to MonadIO
Stateful supply monad
A monad transformer that turns event processing into co-routine programming
Functions to exit the program anywhere in MonadThrow monads
Type class for monads which carry the notion of the current time
Adaptation of the monad-time library for the effectful ecosystem
Monad transformer for recording timing events
Tree data structure for nondeterministic computations
A transactional state monad
Generic first-order unification
Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting
Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting
A monad transformer for data validation
Generic operations over variables
Wrap functions such as catch around different monads
The Acme and AcmeT monads
Extract underlying monads from monad transformers
Monad-transformer version of the Control
Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions
Monad-transformer compatible version of the Control
Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions
Methods for composing monads
A monad for using CryptoRandomGen
Monadic functions which provide Choice and Parallelism
Boxed and unboxed arrays for monad transformers
GHC plugin to desugar !
Recursion Schemes for Monadic version
Constraint Programming
Constraint Programming
Overloading of concurrency variables
Reversibly allow monad transformer stacks to run in IO
2-D arcade scroller
Automatically generate layered monads
A collection of monad transformers
Arrow-like monad composition for monadLib
Monadic versions of list functions
A class for monads which can keep a monadic call trace
A preprocessor for generating monadic call traces
A simple and fast logging monad
A monoid for monads
monadologymonadologyNix package
The best ideas in monad-related classes and types
monadologymonadology_0_4Nix package
The best ideas in monad-related classes and types
A minimalistic CLI Pomodoro timer
Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus
MonadPrompt, implementation & examples
Random-number generation monad
Lazy monad for psuedo random-number generation
Monad classes, using functional dependencies
Monad classes, using type families
Generalizing lift to monad stacks
A type-class for transforming monads (homomorphism) in a transformer
Monadic interface for TokyoTyrant
A simple tetris clone
Monad transformer library with uniform liftings
MonadIO instances for the Monatron transformers
Haskell bindings for the Mondo API
Renders backgrounds & borders
Mid-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi)
Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS
Message queue using MongoDB
Mongrel2 Handler Library
Do things when files change
A system state collecting library and application
Folds for monomorphic containers
mono-traversablemono-traversableNix package
Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
mono-traversablemono-traversable_1_0_21_0Nix package
Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable
Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key
Wrapper providing Foldable instance for MonoFoldables
Symbolic computations in strict monoidal categories with LaTeX output
Low level bindings to the monocypher C library
Monoid type classes, designed in modular way, distinguish Monoid from Mempty and Semigroup
A library for (left, right) zero monoids and backtracking with cut
Various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities
Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes
A monoidal map with the right group instance
A practical monoid implementation
Support for modifying record fields of monoidal type
Monoids for calculation of statistics of sample
Subclasses of Monoid
Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers
Containers with monoidal accumulation
Monoidal Functors Library
Monoidal map type
Extra classes/functions about monoids
Deprecated: Use 'reducers'
A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications