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Showing entries 12101-12200 out of 54071.
A MessagePack-RPC Implementation
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
A Haskell implementation of MessagePack
Object-Oriented Programming in Haskell
A command line tool to change backlit colors of your MSI keyboards
Michael-Scott queue
SQL Server client library implemented in Haskell
MState: A consistent State monad for concurrent applications
Monitor Setup Utility
Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell
Builds decks out of a meta
Library to communicate with Mt.Gox
Monad classes for transformers, using functional dependencies
Very strict CPS'd transformers
Backported Control
Instances for the mtl classes for all monad transformers
Higher order versions of MTL classes
Tribial tools about mtl
Reexports of most definitions from "mtl" and "transformers"
Monad Transformer Library with Type Families
MTL classes without the functional dependency
Lift substacks of monad transformer stacks
Parse library using mtl package
Monad transformer library with type indexes, providing 'free' copies
Bindings to libmtp
Tree with Meta and Content parameters
Reified monad transformer stacks
Avro serialization support for Mu microservices
GraphQL support for Mu
GRPC clients from Mu definitions
GRPC for Mu, common modules for client and server
GRPC servers for Mu definitions
Utilities for interoperation between Mu and Kafka
Lenses for @mu-schema@ terms
Optics for @mu-schema@ terms
Utilities for interoperation between Mu and Persistent
Metrics support for Mu using Prometheus
Protocol Buffers serialization and gRPC schema import for Mu microservices
Protocol-independent declaration of services and servers
Format-independent schemas for serialization
Servant servers for Mu definitions
Tracing support for Mu
Automated Mutation Testing
Automated Mutation Testing for Hspec tests
Automated Mutation Testing for HUnit tests
Automated Mutation Testing for QuickCheck tests
Automated Mutation Testing for SmallCheck tests
A library to produce simple ciphers for use with lambdabot
Multi-version deployer for web applications
Continuous deployment server for use with GitHub
A simple document-oriented database
Safely evaluate pure Haskell expressions
An intermediate language designed to perform advanced code analysis
MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic descriptors
A tool supporting multi cabal project builds
A few multimap variants
Multiple Exceptions
multi-file-swaggernodePackagesNix package
Multi-file Swagger example
multi-file-swaggernodePackages_latestNix package
Multi-file Swagger example
Typeclasses augmented with a phantom type parameter
Trie of sets, as a model for compound names having multiple values
A network address format
Command lines for options that take multiple arguments
Self-identifying base encodings, implementation of
Type-safe and efficient choreographies with location-set polymorphism
Uncurry functions with multiple arguments
Create many files from one
Bidirectional Two-level Transformation of XML Schemas
Multihash library and CLI executable
Self-identifying hashes, implementation of
CBOR encoding of multihashes
Hashmap from keys to hashsets
Comprehensive and efficient (multi)linear algebra implementation
Conduit-based input/output capability for multilinear package
A multimap
Parsers for the HTTP multipart format
Handling of multipart names in various casing styles
Folding data with multiple named passes
Parser and builder for unix-path-like objects
Lightweight generic library for mutually recursive data types
Shorter, more generic functions for Multiplate
A Haskell implementation for combining SU(n) multiplets
Wrapper program for duplicity, adding config files
Generalized system for reading and writing to distributed systems that have primary/replica topolo…
Read and write from appropriate persistent sql instances in replicated environments
Read and write appropriately from both master and replicated postgresql instances
Please see the README on GitHub at
Multiprocess architecture library
Generic programming for families of recursive datatypes
Alternative multirec instances deriver
Generic Data
The Data
Combinatorial algorithms over multisets
Multi-set rewrite rules with guards and a parallel execution scheme
Like mtl's ReaderT / WriterT / StateT, but more than one contained value/type
Multivariant assignments generation language
Vectors of packed tuples
Traverse data types via generics, acting on multiple types simultaneously
Munkres' assignment algorithm (hungarian method)
Simple and typesafe layer over the Munkres package