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Showing entries 12501-12600 out of 54071.
A binary I/O library
Library implementing the NewHope cryptographic key-exchange protocol
Newline specifications as values
List ports newer than N days on a FreeBSD system
A basic newsletter implimentation, using various backends
A mailgun backend for the newsletter package
Exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits
A trivially simple app to create things from simple templates
A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
Instance derivers for newtype wrappers
A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
A template haskell deriver to create Control
Newtype Wrapper Zoo
Extra functions for the Control
A concurrency primitive for a slow consumer
NextStep style plist parser and printer
NF data type to statically enforce normal form
Libnfc bindings
NGLess implements ngless, a DSL for processing sequencing data
Ngram models for compressing and classifying text
Simple application for calculating n-grams using Google
Ngrams loader based on format
Helper module for Nginx Haskell module
Build custom libraries for Nginx Haskell module
Active health checks and monitoring of Nginx upstreams
Native Nginx logging from configuration files and Haskell handlers
Extra tools for Nginx Haskell module
More extra tools for Nginx Haskell module
High performance CSS EDSL
Packed, strict nibble arrays with a list interface (ByteString for nibbles)
A fast and nice HTML templating library with distinct compilation/rendering phases
Pretty print the standard output of default Show instances
Pretty print the standard output of default Show instances
Nico Nico Douga (ニコニコ動画) Comment Translator
nijsnodePackagesNix package
An internal DSL for the Nix package manager in JavaScript
nijsnodePackages_latestNix package
An internal DSL for the Nix package manager in JavaScript
Command line utility publishes Nike+ runs on blogs and Twitter
Finite nimber arithmetic
9P2000 in pure Haskell
Ninja game
IDL compiler and RPC/distributed object framework for microservices
Haskell interface to the nist random beacon
Haskell bindings for Nitro
nivhaskellPackages.nivNix package
Easy dependency management for Nix projects
nivnivNix package
Easy dependency management for Nix projects
nix-delegatehaskellPackages.nix-delegateNix package
Convenient utility for distributed Nix builds
nix-delegatenix-delegateNix package
Convenient utility for distributed Nix builds
nix-deployhaskellPackages.nix-deployNix package
Deploy Nix-built software to a NixOS machine
nix-deploynix-deployNix package
Deploy Nix-built software to a NixOS machine
nix-derivationhaskellPackages.nix-derivationNix package
Parse and render *.drv files
nix-derivationnix-derivationNix package
Parse and render *.drv files
nix-diffhaskellPackages.nix-diffNix package
Explain why two Nix derivations differ
nix-diffnix-diffNix package
Explain why two Nix derivations differ
Evaluate Haskell expressions using Nix to get packages
Convert a tree of files into fixed-output derivations
Reify the Nix build graph into a Haskell graph data structure
Parse and render .narinfo files
Knowledge of Nix's installation directories
nix-serve-nghaskellPackages.nix-serve-ngNix package
A drop-in replacement for nix-serve that's faster and more stable
nix-serve-ngnix-serve-ngNix package
A drop-in replacement for nix-serve that's faster and more stable
Lightweight dependency management with Nix
Cabal/stack to nix translation tools
nix-treehaskellPackages.nix-treeNix package
Interactively browse a Nix store paths dependencies
nix-treenix-treeNix package
Interactively browse a Nix store paths dependencies
Interactively browse a Nix store paths dependencies
nixfmthaskellPackages.nixfmtNix package
An opinionated formatter for Nix
nixfmtnixfmtNix package
An opinionated formatter for Nix
nixfmtnixfmt-classicNix package
An opinionated formatter for Nix
Generate nix expressions from npm packages
This package is obsolete; see cabal2nix instead
Tool for semi-automatic updating of nixpkgs repository
Nkeys ed25519 encoding for use with NATS
Manipulating the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP)
Low-level bindings to the NLOPT optimization library
Scoring functions commonly used for evaluation in NLP and IR
NLP scoring command-line programs
Network Manager, binding to libnm-glib
A transparent nested Map structure
Bindings to the Nyctergatis Markup Engine
NMIS file parser
A tiny neural network
Library to connect to an NNTP Server
Workaround for GHC bug #2189
A GHC plugin to remove support for recursion
Role annotations without -XRoleAnnotations
A type class for choosing sentinel-like values
node-gyp-buildnodePackagesNix package
Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuilds
node-gyp-buildnodePackages_latestNix package
Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuilds
node2nixnode2nixNix package
Generate Nix expressions to build NPM packages
node2nixnodePackages_latest.node2nixNix package
Generate Nix expressions to build NPM packages
Math in Haskell
Parse and compare nofib runs
Parse and compare nofib runs
Placeholder package to preserve debug ability via conditional builds
A friendly language for graphic design
A Haskell coherent noise generator based on libnoise
A static site generator
Name-binding & alpha-equivalence
Binders and alpha-equivalence made easy
A Nomic game in haskell