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Showing entries 12301-12400 out of 54071.
A name generator written in Haskell
Fortran90 namelist parser/pretty printer
Type level names
Manipulate name strings for TH
A Generic Haskell library for managing namespaces
A threadsafe binding to glibc's crypt_r function
Small library for Erlang-style actor semantics
Bindings to OpenSSL HMAC
Efficient, ByteString bindings to OpenSSL
A toy dependently-typed language
Simple Curses binding
NanoID generator
Nanomsg - scalability protocols library
Bindings to the nanomsg library
An implementation of attoparsec-like parser around list-like
Create compilers using small passes and many intermediate representations
Very small interpreter for a Prolog-like language
A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API
A tiny time library
Haskell bindings for nanovg
Simple interface to rendering with NanoVG
Performs 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on given Kanji
Naperian Functors for APL-like programming
Efficient representable functors
Instances of NcStore for hypercuboids
A library for working with anything map related
Query SQL databases using Nested Relational Calculus embedded in Haskell
Lazy binary natural numbers
Refinement types for natural numbers with an optics interface
Variable-sized numbers from type-level nats
Functions for National Australia Bank transactions
NationStates API client
Native library manager for Windows
Natural numbers
Another Haskell client for NATS (
Haskell API for NATS messaging system
Natural number
natural-arithmeticnatural-arithmeticNix package
Arithmetic of natural numbers
natural-arithmeticnatural-arithmetic_0_2_1_0Nix package
Arithmetic of natural numbers
Induction over natural numbers
Natural numbers tagged with a type-level representation of the number
Natural numbers
User-friendly text collation
A natural transformation package
Natural-order string comparison
Simple scoring schemes for word alignments
Constructors and related functions for natural numbers
Natural sorting for strings
Interface to Naver Translate
A parser/serializer for Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT) data format
CPU load and memory usage indicators for i3bar
Modernised bindings to GNU ncurses
Conduit-based parsing and serialization for newline delimited JSON
Context Algebra of near
A Fast Retargetable Template Engine
Quasiquoter for neat and simple multiline text interpolation
ASCII-fied arrow notation
A NEAT library for Haskell
Port of the NeHe OpenGL tutorials to Haskell
General tools for Neil
Provide versions of Either with good monad and applicative instances
The Neither datatype
Neko VM code generation and disassembly library
A TCP tunnel with packet length obfuscation
Unofficial API wrapper
Simple networked key/value store
A task management tool for Haskell
A collection of Nemesis tasks to bootstrap a Haskell project with a focus on continuous integratio…
A CLI adapter to map Lua's CLI to Neovim's CLI for lua interpretation
NonEmpty lists that look [more, like, this]
Neptune Client
Nerf, a named entity recognition tool based on linear-chain CRFs
Lens-based HTTP toolkit
WAI adapter for Nero server applications
Run Nero server applications with Warp
Environment variable combinators
Declarative, compositional Wai responses
List-like data structures with O(log(n))
Nested set model implementation
Nested composition of functors with a type index tracking nesting
A library for nested maps
A port of John Skilling's nested sampling C code to Haskell
Concurrent over the network execution library
An MQTT Protocol Implementation
Optics for net-mqtt
Make RPC calls via an MQTT broker
A graph database middleware to maintain a time-varying graph
CLI option parsers for NetSpider objects
Conversion between net-spider and pangraph
NetSpider data model and utility for RPL networks
CLI executable of NetSpider
Netclock protocol
Bindings to the low-level library
The NetCore compiler and runtime system for OpenFlow networks
NetEase Cloud Music FM client in Haskell
Helper modules for CArray wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
Helper modules for comfort-array wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
Helper modules for FFI to BLAS and LAPACK
Enumerator tools for text-based network protocols
Netlink communication for Haskell