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Showing entries 20901-21000 out of 54071.
Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking
Download Files over HTTP and HTTPS
Implement Download Buttons in 'rmarkdown'
Downscaling Species Occupancy
A Tool to Downsize Large Analysis Projects for Testing
B Cell Receptor Phylogenetics Toolkit
Don't Overthink Your Palette of Colors
r-dpaNix package
Port of 'Dparser' Package
Dynamic Path Analysis of Survival Data via Aalen's Additive Hazards Model
r-DPBBMNix package
Dirichlet Process Beta-Binomial Mixture
r-dpccNix package
Dynamic Programming for Convex Clustering
r-dpcidNix package
r-dPCPNix package
Automated Analysis of Multiplex Digital PCR Data
r-dpeakNix package
r-DpitNix package
Distribution Pitting
r-dpkgNix package
r-dplRNix package
Dendrochronology Program Library in R
r-dplyrNix package
A Grammar of Data Manipulation
RStudio Addin for Teaching and Learning Data Manipulation Using 'dplyr'
r-dpmNix package
Dynamic Panel Models Fit with Maximum Likelihood
r-dpmrNix package
Data Package Manager for R
r-DPPNix package
Inference of Parameters of Normal Distributions from a Mixture of Normals
Differentially Private Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning
Determinantal Point Process Mixture Models
r-DPQNix package
Density, Probability, Quantile ('DPQ') Computations
DPQ (Density, Probability, Quantile) Distribution Computations using MPFR
r-dpropNix package
Computation of Some Important Distributional Properties
r-dpsegNix package
Piecewise Linear Segmentation by Dynamic Programming
r-DPTMNix package
Dynamic Panel Multiple Threshold Model with Fixed Effects
Dirichlet-Based Polya Tree
Graphical User Interface for Data Quality Assessment
Core Functions for Data Quality Assessment
r-dqrngNix package
Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators
r-drNix package
Methods for Dimension Reduction for Regression
r-DR.SCNix package
r-dr4plNix package
Dose Response Data Analysis using the 4 Parameter Logistic (4pl) Model
Decode Draco Format 3D Mesh Data
Statistical Tools to Identify Dragon Kings
Data Sets for RuPaul's Drag Race
Drag and Drop Elements in 'Shiny' using 'Dragula Javascript Library'
r-drakeNix package
A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale
Analysis of Dramatic Texts
r-drapeNix package
Doubly Robust Average Partial Effects
r-dratNix package
'Drat' R Archive Template
r-drawNix package
Wrapper Functions for Producing Graphics
An Interactive HTML Image Editing Tool
r-DRaWRNix package
Discriminative Random Walk with Restart
Draw Samples with the Desired Properties from a Data Set
r-DRAYLNix package
Computation of Rayleigh Densities of Arbitrary Dimension
Data Representation: Bayesian Approach That's Sparse
r-drcNix package
Analysis of Dose-Response Curves
Improving Estimation Efficiency in CAR with Imperfect Compliance
Simultaneous Clustering and (or) Dimensionality Reduction
Utilities for Data Analyses in Seed Germination/Emergence Assays
r-drcteNix package
Statistical Approaches for Time-to-Event Data in Agriculture
r-drdaNix package
r-DRDIDNix package
Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators
Drug Response Prediction from Differential Multi-Omics Networks
A Nonparametric Doubly Robust Test for Continuous Treatment Effect
Dose Response Models for Bayesian Model Averaging
Error Handling Made Easy
Regularized Estimation of Dynamic Linear Regression in the Presence of Autocorrelated Residuals (D…
r-drfNix package
Distributional Random Forests
r-drfitNix package
r-drgeeNix package
Doubly Robust Generalized Estimating Equations
r-drglmNix package
Fitting Linear and Generalized Linear Models in "Divide and Recombine" Approach to Large Data Sets
Differential Risk Hotspots in a Linear Network
r-drhurNix package
Learning R with Dr. Hu
Political Science Academic Research Gears
Calculates the Test-Statistic for the Drift Burst Hypothesis
Concept Drift and Concept Shift Detection for Predictive Models
R Driver for Apache Drill
Estimation, Simulation and Reliability of Drifting Markov Models
Imputing Dropout Events in Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data
r-DRIPNix package
Discontinuous Regression and Image Processing
Prioritizing Cancer Driver Genes Using Genomics Data
r-drollNix package
Analyze Roll Distributions
Dose Response for Omics
Handling Incomplete Responses in Survey Data Analysis
r-dropRNix package
Dropout Analysis by Condition