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Showing entries 20701-20800 out of 54071.
r-diveRNix package
Easily Install and Load Interactive Data Visualization Tools
Evolutionary Trait Divergence Between Sister Species and Other Paired Lineages
Diversity Measures for Complex Systems
Econometric Tools to Measure Portfolio Diversification
Comparative 'Phylogenetic' Analyses of Diversification
Innovative Complex Split Procedures in Random Forests Through Candidate Split Sampling
Get Images Out of DICOM Format Quickly
r-divoNix package
Tools for Analysis of Diversity and Similarity in Biological Systems
Diversity Metrics Calculations for Rasterized Data
Calculate Diversity and Segregation Indices
r-divvyNix package
Spatial Subsampling of Biodiversity Occurrence Data
r-dixonNix package
Nearest Neighbour Contingency Table Analysis
Dixon's Ratio Test for Outlier Detection
r-diyarNix package
Record Linkage and Epidemiological Case Definitions in 'R'
Lightweight Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development
Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development
r-DJLNix package
Distance Measure Based Judgment and Learning
r-dkanrNix package
Client for the 'DKAN' API
r-dkDNANix package
r-dksNix package
r-dLagMNix package
Time Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models
Implementation of Adaptive or Non-Adaptive Differentiable Lasso and SCAD Penalties in Linear Models
Use Dirichlet Laplace Prior to Solve Linear Regression Problem and Do Variable Selection
r-DLBCLNix package
Distributed Loading Estimation for General Factor Model
r-dlibNix package
Allow Access to the 'Dlib' C++ Library
r-dlimNix package
Distributed Lag Interaction Model
r-DLLNix package
Decorrelated Local Linear Estimator
r-dlmNix package
Bayesian and Likelihood Analysis of Dynamic Linear Models
Data-Limited Methods Toolkit
Bayesian Treed Distributed Lag Models
r-dlnmNix package
Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models
Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation
r-DLPCANix package
The Distributed Local PCA Algorithm
r-dlrNix package
Download and Cache Files Safely
r-dlsemNix package
Distributed-Lag Linear Structural Equation Models
r-DLSSMNix package
Download Stats of R Packages
r-dmNix package
Relational Data Models
r-dmaNix package
Dynamic Model Averaging
r-dmacsNix package
r-dmaiNix package
Divisia Monetary Aggregates Index
r-dmbcNix package
Model Based Clustering of Binary Dissimilarity Measurements
r-DMCFBNix package
Diffusion Model of Conflict (DMC) in Reaction Time Tasks
Computational Tools for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Test
r-dmlNix package
Distance Metric Learning in R
Double Machine Learning Algorithms
Double Machine Learning
r-dmmNix package
Dyadic Mixed Model for Pedigree Data
r-DMMFNix package
Daily Based Morgan-Morgan-Finney (DMMF)
r-dModNix package
Dynamic Modeling and Parameter Estimation in ODE Models
r-DMQNix package
Dynamic Multiple Quantile (DMQ) Model
Delete or Merge Regressors Algorithms for Linear and Logistic Model Selection and High-Dimensional…
r-dmtNix package
Differential Methylation Tests (DMtest)
r-DMTLNix package
Tools for Applying Distribution Mapping Based Transfer Learning
Tools for Clinical Data Management
Mutate Data Frames with Random Variates
r-DMwR2Nix package
Functions and Data for the Second Edition of "Data Mining with R"
r-dnaNix package
Statistical Inference for Mixed Traces of DNA (Lite-Version)
DNA Sequence Motifs
Differential Network Analysis using Gene Pathways
Generating and Testing DNA Sequences
Tools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data
r-dndRNix package
Dungeons & Dragons Functions for Players and Dungeon Masters
r-DnENix package
r-dnetNix package
Estimating Differential Networks under Semiparametric Gaussian Graphical Models
r-dngNix package
Distributions and Gradients
r-DNH4Nix package
Crawling for Daum News Text
r-DNLCNix package
Differential Network Local Consistency Analysis
r-DNMFNix package
Discriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
r-dnnNix package
Deep Neural Network Tools for Probability and Statistic Models
r-dnrNix package
Simulate Dynamic Networks using Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) Family
r-doNix package
Data Operator
r-DO.dbNix package
Probabilistic Phylogenetic Principal Component Analysis