Showing entries 3401-3500 out of 54071.
Cubic DSL for 3D printing
Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets
Efficient manipulating of 2D cubic bezier curves
Natural cubic spline interpolation
FFI bindings to the CUDA BLAS library
3D Yampa/GLUT Puzzle Game
Haskell Implementation of Cuckoo Filters
Pure and impure Cuckoo Filter
FFI binding to the CUDA interface for programming NVIDIA GPUs
Bindings to the CUDD binary decision diagrams library
Support for construction, rendering, and parsing of CUE sheets
Haskell bindings for the CUFFT library
Haskell binding to libcurl
Communicate with web services using JSON
Parsing and pretty-printing of cURL/wget cookie jars
A framework for declaratively writing curl based API tests
Bindings to libcurl, the multiprotocol file transfer library
Curly braces (brackets) expanding
Currencies representation, pretty printing and conversion
Types representing standard and non-standard currencies
ISO-4217 Currency Codes
Typesafe currency conversion
Get the current system locale in System
Curry types
Functions for manipulating Curry programs
Compile the functional logic language Curry to several intermediate formats
A package for simple, fast radiocarbon calibration
CurryDB: In-memory Key/Value Database
A simple HTTP server framework
Fast, Haskell RPC
Easy to use FFI Bridge for using Rust in Haskell
Terminal tool for viewing tabular data
Purely Functional Cursors
Please see the README on GitHub at
Cursors for the fuzzy-time parser and resolver
Cursors for the fuzzy-time parser and resolver
Generators for the fuzzy time cursors
Generators for Purely Functional Cursors
Fast implementations of the curve25519 elliptic curve primitives
Library for drawing curve based images
FFI bindings to CUDA Solver, a LAPACK-like library
FFI bindings to the CUDA Sparse BLAS library
Customizable string interpolation quasiquoters
An enhanced prelude, serving as a foundation for my projects
Cuts out uninteresting parts of videos by detecting silences
Cut files according to a position list
OpenCV based machine vision library
Functional Combinators for Computer Vision
Simple and efficient cve datatype
Common Vulnerability Scoring System
Multi-dimensional arrays
A subfield of the complex numbers for exact calculation
Haskell bindings for the neo4j "cypher" query language
CZipWith class and deriving via TH
Permissively licensed D-Bus client library
Digits 0-9
A raw binding for the directX 11
Declarative visualization on a web browser with DSL approach
Start background daemons by double-forking
Daemons in Haskell made fun and easy
Compile-time, type-safe directed acyclic graphs
Real-Time Game Tournament Evaluator
Binary parsing and serialization with integrated size
MIDI and OSC parsing/printing with dahdit
Network protocol helpers for Dahdit
Test utils for Dahdit serde
Daino is a static site generator (SSG) using shake and pandoc
Parsing dAmn messages
Monads for operations that can exit early and produce warnings
Servant support for lucid2
Basic Slack bot framework
Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in interpreted language, designed with artific…
Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in interpreted language, designed with artific…
A debug adaptor protocol library
Prints a series of dates
A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Comparative benchmark suite for darcs
A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
Tools to help manage Debian packages with Darcs
David's Advanced Version Control System
Import/export git fast-import streams to/from darcs
Generate graphs of darcs repository activity
Darcs repository monitor (sends email)
Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow
Outputs dependencies of darcs patches in dot format
Darcs repository UI and hosting/collaboration app ( branch)
Code used by Patch-Shack that seemed sensible to open for reusability
Track application of Darcs patches
Utility and parser for DarkPlaces demo files
Darkplaces rcon client library
Darplaces rcon utility
Parser for darkplaces colorful text
Convert package Haddock to Dash docsets (IDE docs)
Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
Accessor functions for monadLib's monads
Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class
Use Accessor to access state in monads-tf State monad type family
Use Accessor to access state in mtl State monad class
Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records