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Showing entries 3701-3800 out of 52683.
The categorical dual of transformers
Combinators for manipulating dependently-typed predicates
Decimal numbers with variable precision
An implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification
Preprocessing decimal literals more or less as they are (instead of via fractions)
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) and Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDD)
A very simple implementation of decision trees for discrete attributes
DIY Markov Chains
Decode a UTF-8 byte stream on standard input
Conduit for decoding ByteStrings using Data
A type-checker for the λΠ-modulo calculus
Deeply-nested, multiple key type maps
Deep natural and unnatural tree transformations, including attribute grammars
Arrows for "deep application"
A library that provides deep-level programming style and(or) notation on Applicative and Monad
A DSL for creating neural network
Call DeepL to translate you files
Deep Learning in Haskell
Deep evaluation of data structures
Bounded deepseq, including support for generic deriving
GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation
Candidate NFData Instances for Types in base
Deep evaluation of data structures without NFData
Template Haskell based deriver for optimised NFData instances
A DeepZoom image slicer
Default arguments in haskell
Applicative maps
A simple RTS game
Abstractions over deferred folds
The base modules of the Definitive framework
A library that enable you to interact with the filesystem in a definitive way
A definitive package allowing you to open windows, read image files and render text to be displaye…
A parser combinator library for the Definitive framework
A simple Reactive library
A definitive package to handle sound and play it back
Defunctionalization helpers
Defunctionalization helpers: booleans
Defunctionalization helpers: core definitions
Defunctionalization helpers: lists
Small and typesafe configuration library
A library for unit-testing concurrent programs
Decimal floating point arithmetic
Tests for deka, decimal floating point arithmetic
Build a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points
Delaunay tessellation
More useful and humain delaying functions
Accessing the APIs from Haskell (v2)
Parse character delimited textual data
Library for dealing with tab and/or comma (or other) separated files
Parse bounce messages per RFC3464, RFC3463
A library for detecting file changes
Online entropy-based model of lexical category acquisition
A demonstration interpreter for type system delta-lambda (of N.G. De-bruijn)
Generalized the Prelude more functionally
Demangler for C++ mangled names
Demarcating transformed monad
Functions supporting bulk file and directory name normalization
Mutable and immutable dense multidimensional arrays
Dense int-set
Simple and incomplete pure haskell implementation of linear algebra
Dependency injection for records-of-functions
Giving good advice to functions in records-of-functions
A dynamic environment for dependency injection
Pair resources files with types within your program
Dependency resolution for package management
Dependent hash maps
Library for dependent-literals-plugin
Dependent integer literals
Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)
Dependent map that uses semigroup mappend
Control structure similar to Control
Dependent sum type
JSON instances for DSum, DMap, and Some
dependent-sum-templatedependent-sum-templateNix package
Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package
dependent-sum-templatedependent-sum-template_0_2_0_1Nix package
Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in some package
A simple configuration management tool for Haskell
Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences
Double-ended priority queues
DepTrack Core types and model
DepTrack applied to DevOps
Facilitate Graphviz representations of DepTrack dependencies
Double-ended queues
A typeclass and an implementation for double-ended queues
Find derangements of lists
Typeset Derivation Trees via MetaPost
A program and library to derive instances for data types
Generic instances for enumerating complex data types
Instance deriving for (a subset of) GADTs
Derive HasField instances with Template Haskell
Macro to derive instances for Instant-Generics using Template Haskell
Derive class instances though various kinds of lifting
Derive Semigroup/Monoid/IsList
Derive Prim and PrimUnaligned
Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics
GHC core plugin supporting the derive-storable package
derive-topdownderive-topdownNix package
Help Haskellers derive class instances for composited data types
derive-topdownderive-topdown_0_1_0_0Nix package
Derive type class instances
Automatic derivation of Trie implementations
Derive ToJSON/FromJSON instances in a more prefix-friendly manner
Type driven generic aeson instance customisation