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Showing entries 37101-37200 out of 54369.
r-RLMMNix package
r-RlofNix package
R Parallel Implementation of Local Outlier Factor(LOF)
r-rlogNix package
A Simple, Opinionated Logging Utility
Process Logical Operations
Optimal Adaptive Allocation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Exact (Restricted) Likelihood Ratio Tests for Mixed and Additive Models
r-RLSeqNix package
r-RLTNix package
Reinforcement Learning Trees
r-rLTPNix package
R Interface to the 'LTP'-Cloud Service
Monte-Carlo Methods for Simulating Luminescence Phenomena
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations to Understand Luminescence
'Shiny' Applications for the R Package 'Luminescence'
r-rlyNix package
Tools to Create Formal Language Parser
r-RM2Nix package
RiskMetrics 2006 Methodology
Fetch Geologic Data from the 'Macrostrat' Platform
Czekanowski's Diagrams
r-rmafNix package
r-rmakeNix package
Makefile Generator for R Analytical Projects
Fit Multi-Modal Mallows' Models to Ranking Data
Continuous Optimization using Memetic Algorithms with Local Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains)
Client for 'mapshaper' for 'Geospatial' Operations
Client for 'Mapzen' and Related Map APIs
Calculate 3D Contour Meshes Using the Marching Cubes Algorithm
Robust Marginal Integration Procedures
Database Interface and MariaDB Driver
Detect Marine Heat Waves and Marine Cold Spells
r-RMarkNix package
R Code for Mark Analysis
Dynamic Documents for R
Repeated Measures with Attrition: Sample Sizes and Power Levels for 2 Groups
r-rMATNix package
r-RMATNix package
Random Matrix Analysis Toolkit
Read and Write 'Matlab' Files
Multi-Site Auto-Regressive Weather GENerator
Performing Bayesian Inference for Repeated-Measures Designs
r-RMBCNix package
Robust Model Based Clustering
r-RMCCNix package
Airborne LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multiscale Curvature
r-rmcfsNix package
The MCFS-ID Algorithm for Feature Selection and Interdependency Discovery
r-rmcmcNix package
Robust Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
Repeated Measures Correlation
r-rmdaNix package
Risk Model Decision Analysis
Concordances for 'R Markdown'
'Lua'-Filters for R Markdown
HTML Output Formats and Templates for 'rmarkdown' Documents
Helper Functions for Rmd Documents
r-rmdlNix package
Language to Manage Many Models
Partial 'rmarkdown' Documents to Prettify your Reports
Plugins for R Markdown Formats
r-rmdwcNix package
Count Words, Chars and Non-Whitespace Chars in R Markdown Docs
r-rMEANix package
Synchrony in Motion Energy Analysis (MEA) Time-Series
An 'Rcpp' Interface for Eunjeon Project
Mediation Analysis Confidence Intervals
MEREC - Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria
r-rmetaNix package
The Metalog Distribution
Repeated Measures Functional Analysis of Variance
r-RMFMNix package
Robust Matrix Factor Model
Multivariate GARCH Models
r-rmiNix package
Mutual Information Estimators
Multiple Imputation with Denoising Autoencoders
Data Mining Classification and Regression Methods
R Interface to 'MiniZinc'
Derivative-Free Optimization in R using C++
r-rmioNix package
Provides 'mio' C++11 Header Files
r-RmiRNix package
r-RmiscNix package
Ryan Miscellaneous
Classification with Mixture Modelling
API for Mixpanel
Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partially) Missing Data
Minimal Interface of the C++ 'MixtComp' Library for Mixture Models with Heterogeneous and (Partial…
Utility Functions for 'MixtComp' Outputs
Sundry Discrete Probability Distributions
Construct Explainable Nomogram for a Machine Learning Model
Maximum Likelihood Principal Component Analysis
r-RMMNix package
Revenue Management Modeling
r-RMOANix package
Connect R with MOA for Massive Online Analysis
External jars Required for Package RMOA
Automated Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Arbitrarily Structured Correlation Matrices
r-RmoltNix package
Graphic Visualization of the Birds' Molt
A Monadic Pipeline System
Support Retrospective Harmonization of Data
Easy Encryption of R Objects using Strong Modern Cryptography
r-rmooNix package
Multi-Objective Optimization in R
r-RMOPINix package
Risk Management and Optimization for Portfolio Investment