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Showing entries 4201-4300 out of 54071.
Library for type-safe representations of Uri/Urls
Datatypes and encoding for graphviz dot files
Initial project template from stack
Converter from GraphViz .dot format to yEd GraphML
dotenvdotenvNix package
Loads environment variables from dotenv files
dotenvdotenv_0_12_0_0Nix package
Loads environment variables from dotenv files
Tiny dotenv library
dotenv-vaultnodePackagesNix package
A secrets manager for .env files – from the same people that pioneered dotenv
dotenv-vaultnodePackages_latestNix package
A secrets manager for .env files – from the same people that pioneered dotenv
Filesystem to manage and parse dotfiles
A simple interface for building .dot graph files
.NET TimeSpan
Dot language parsing and printing
Fast conversion between single and double precision floating point and text
Missing presentations for Double numbers (fixed, scientific etc.)
Haskell bindings to a C double-metaphone implementation
Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_]
Some special functions to work with lists (with zip)
Doublify API toolkit for Haskell
The Dove verification language
A PureScript interpreter with a Haskell FFI
Use Aeson from your Dovetail programs
A proof assistant for Magic: The Gathering puzzles
Dungeons of Wor
Reverse mode automatic differentiation
High-level file download based on URLs
High-level file download based on URLs
Simple tool to download images from RSS feeds (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)
A small, low-dependency library that provides turn-key file download over HTTP and HTTPS
A Haskell library for using Dozenal (Duodecimal - Base 12) numbers
Dozens api library
Pragmatic framework for dynamic programming
Data Parallel Haskell common config and debugging functions
Data Parallel Haskell example programs
Data Parallel Haskell common definitions used by other dph-lifted packages
Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators
Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators
Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays
Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays
Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays
Libdpkg bindings
Darcs Patch Manager
A generic implementation of dynamic partial-order reduction (DPOR) for testing arbitrary models of…
A lightweight DNS proxy server, compatible with dnsmasq-china-list
Utilities for DP
See README for more info
Automatic derivation of optimized QuickCheck random generators
Actor library for Haskell
Playing draw poker
A port of asciimoo's drawille to haskell
Deterministic random bit generator (aka RNG, PRNG) based HMACs, Hashes, and Ciphers
Monadic FRP
Library and program for querying DVB (Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG)
A tool for deriving hylomorphisms
Program to derive type class instances
Program to derive type class instances
Simple schema management for arbitrary databases
PostgreSQL support for the drifter schema migration tool
SQLite support for the drifter schema migraiton tool
Boozy streaming library
Deriving without spelling out "deriving"
A Haskell bindings to the DRMAA C library
Please see the README on GitHub at
Dropbox API client
A library to access the Dropbox HTTP API
A command line tool for resolving dropbox conflicts
An implementation of the Drunken Bishop visual fingerprinting algorithm
A subset of the miniKanren language
Implementation of DSA, based on the description of FIPS 186-4
Helper functions for setting up Double Submit Cookie defense for forms
Database Supported Haskell
SQL backend for Database Supported Haskell (DSH)
DSMC library for rarefied gas dynamics
DSMC toolkit for rarefied gas dynamics
Haskell Doge Serialized Object Notation Parser
DSON parser
Haskell Digital Signal Processing
A framework for using STM within distributed systems
Difference strings
DSV (delimiter-separated values)
Harmonix (Guitar Hero, Rock Band) DTA/DTB metadata library
Data To Class transformation
Parse and render DTD files (deprecated)
Parse and render XML DTDs
Basic types for representing XML DTDs
Haskell interface to the DTrace system tracing utility
(Fast) Dynamic Time Warping
Dual category
Network multiplayer 2D shooting game
Rose trees with cached and accumulating monoidal annotations
Automatically generate dual constructions
XML streaming parser/renderer for the Dublin Core standard elements
Haskell bindings for duckdb
A Haskell library for parsing text into structured data
A tiny language, a subset of Haskell (with type classes) aimed at aiding teachers to teach Haskell
A computer “algebra” system that knows nothing about algebra, at the core
Dumps the names and values of expressions to ease debugging
A plug-in for rendering GHC core