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Showing entries 4501-4600 out of 54071.
Source files for the Elm runtime and standard libraries
A library to generate Elm types from Haskell source
Elm-export persistent entities
Tool for sharing and using Elm libraries
Combine Elm with Haskell for data based applications
Set up basic structure for an elm project
A build tool for Elm projects
elm-oraclenodePackagesNix package
Query for information about values in elm source files
elm-oraclenodePackages_latestNix package
Query for information about values in elm source files
Package manager for Elm libraries
Interactive development tool for Elm programs
A REPL for Elm
Server for developing Elm projects
Crossing the road between Haskell and Elm
Elm syntax and pretty-printing
Generate ELM code from a Wai websocket application
The Elm language Yesod compatibility module
elm2nixelm2nixNix package
Turn your Elm project into buildable Nix project
elm2nixhaskellPackages.elm2nixNix package
Turn your Elm project into buildable Nix project
Generate Elm datatype definitions, encoders and decoders from Haskell datatypes
Generate ELM types/encoders/decoders from Haskell types
Elo Rating Library
Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords
A tiny language for understanding the lambda-calculus
elynxelynxNix package
Validate and (optionally) redo ELynx analyses
elynxelynx_0_8_0_0Nix package
Validate and (optionally) redo ELynx analyses
elynx-markovelynx-markovNix package
Simulate molecular sequences along trees
elynx-markovelynx-markov_0_8_0_0Nix package
Simulate molecular sequences along trees
elynx-nexuselynx-nexusNix package
Import and export Nexus files
elynx-nexuselynx-nexus_0_8_0_0Nix package
Import and export Nexus files
elynx-seqelynx-seqNix package
Handle molecular sequences
elynx-seqelynx-seq_0_8_0_0Nix package
Handle molecular sequences
elynx-toolselynx-toolsNix package
Tools for ELynx
elynx-toolselynx-tools_0_8_0_0Nix package
Tools for ELynx
Handle phylogenetic trees
Static site generator library with hot reload
Useful route types for Ema
Generic deriving for Ema routes
Library to parse emacs style keybinding into the modifiers and the chars
emacs-moduleemacs-moduleNix package
Utilities to write Emacs dynamic modules
emacs-moduleemacs-module_0_2_1_1Nix package
Utilities to write Emacs dynamic modules
Sending eMail in Haskell made easy
Parsing and rendering of email and MIME headers
A simple wrapper to send emails via the api of the service postmark (
Email address validation
Aeson instances for email-validate
Perform basic syntax and deliverability checks on email addresses
Wrapper around email-validate library adding instances for common type classes
An email parser that will parse everything
emanoteNix package
Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
Reasonable conventions for embedding YAML configuration with Template Haskell
Embed the values in scope in the haddock documentation of the module
Example of using embeddock
Execute actions periodically while avoiding drift
Support for embroidery formats in haskell
Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert-Huang Transform
Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses
Embedded shell
emojnodePackagesNix package
Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line
emojnodePackages_latestNix package
Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line
Emoji utility
emojionenodePackagesNix package
EmojiOne is a complete set of emojis designed for the web
emojionenodePackages_latestNix package
EmojiOne is a complete set of emojis designed for the web
Conversion between emoji characters and their names
Derives heuristic rules from nominal data
A type class for empty containers
Ceci n'est pas une package
A container that always has no values
Binding to the Enchant library
Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
Encoding character data
Safe string conversion and encoding
A library for various character encodings
Encoding-aware file
Typed encryption with persistent support
A small library to deal with executable endings
Endomorphism utilities
An English language stemmer (Porter2)
A Haskell implementation of Engine.IO
This package provides an engine-ioServerAPI that is compatible with Growler
This package provides an engine-ioServerAPI that is compatible with Snap
An @engine-io@ @ServerAPI@ that is compatible with @Wai@
This package provides an engine-ioServerAPI that is compatible with Yesod
A numeric type for managing and automating engineering units
Auto Korean conjugator/adjustor/adopter/converter
An application (and library) to convert quipper circuits into Qpmc models
Libary to interface with the NCBI Entrez REST service
A platform independent entropy source
Entwine - Concurrency tools
Non-crashing Enum operations
enum-subset-generateenum-subset-generateNix package
Generate an ADT being a subset of another ADT, and the corresponding mappings
enum-subset-generateenum-subset-generate_0_1_0_3Nix package
Generate an ADT being a subset of another ADT, and the corresponding mappings
A text rendering and parsing toolkit for enumerated types
Making fmt available with rio
Small enum types
An experimental Utf8 parsing toolkit for enumerated types
Simple Enum-class-based int containers
A typeclass for enumerating all values a type
Enumerate all the values in a finite type (automatically)
Simple package for inverting functions and testing totality, via brute enumeration of the domain