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Showing entries 43501-43600 out of 54071.
r-wkbNix package
Convert Between Spatial Objects and Well-Known Binary Geometry
r-wktmoNix package
Converting Weekly Data to Monthly Data
Utilities for Well-Known Geometry Vectors
Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic Regression Models using a Whitening Approach
r-WLregNix package
Regression Analysis Based on Win Loss Endpoints
r-WMAPNix package
Weighted Meta-Analysis with Pseudo-Populations
r-WMDBNix package
r-wmlfNix package
r-wmmNix package
World Magnetic Model
r-wmwmNix package
Performs Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test with Missing Data
Precise and Accurate Power of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank-Sum Test for a Continuous Variable
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Sample Size Planning
r-wnlNix package
Minimization Tool for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis
Weighted Nearest Neighbor Imputation of Missing Values using Selected Variables
Roll Call Analysis Software
Whale Optimization Algorithm for K-Medoids Clustering
r-woddsNix package
Calculates Whisker Odds
r-woeNix package
Computes Weight of Evidence and Information Values
Supervised Weight of Evidence Binning of Numeric Variables and Factors
Spatiotemporal Boundary Detection Model for Areal Unit Data
Fast Matrix Operations via the Woodbury Matrix Identity
Generate Simulated Sawn Timber Strength Grading Data
Wood Valuation Germany
115 Data Sets from "Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 7e" by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
r-worcsNix package
Distributed Representations of Words
Word Clouds
Create Word Cloud by 'htmlwidget'
The 'WORDLE' Game
Multiple Data Analysis Tools for Property Listing Tasks
WordNet Interface
Estimates Economic Variables for Word-of-Mouth-Campaigns
R Implementation of Wordpiece Tokenization
Word Pools Used in Studies of Learning and Memory
Develop Text Prediction Models Based on N-Grams
Word Puzzle Game
r-WordRNix package
Rendering Word Documents with R Inline Code
r-wordsNix package
List of English Words from the Scrabble Dictionary
Provide Tools to Extract and Analyze Word Vectors
Distributional Semantic Models in R
A Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
Modeling Workflows
Create a Collection of 'tidymodels' Workflows
Analysis of Work Loops and Other Data from Muscle Physiology Experiments
Client for World Banks's 'Indicators' and 'Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP)' APIs
Standardize Plant Names According to World Flora Online Taxonomic Backbone
Extract and Clean World Football (Soccer) Data
Worldwide or Coordinates-Based Heat Maps
Import Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated Surface Database (ISD)
r-wormsNix package
A Clustering Method for Time-Series Whole-Brain Activity Data of 'C. elegans'
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Client
Generate Wordsearch and Crossword Puzzles
r-wosrNix package
Clients to the 'Web of Science' and 'InCites' APIs
Plot Connectivity Between Cells from Different Time Points
r-wowaNix package
Weighted Ordered Weighted Average
Alternative Tour Frame Interpolation Method
r-wpaNix package
Tools for Analysing and Visualising Viva Insights Data
r-WPCNix package
r-wPermNix package
Permutation Tests
r-WPKDENix package
Weighted Piecewise Kernel Density Estimation
r-wpmNix package
World Population Prospects 2008
World Population Prospects 2010
World Population Prospects 2012
World Population Prospects 2015
World Population Prospects 2017
World Population Prospects 2019
Explorer of World Population Prospects
r-wppiNix package
Linear p-Wasserstein Projections
r-wqlNix package
Exploring Water Quality Monitoring Data
r-WQMNix package
Wavelet-Based Quantile Mapping for Postprocessing Numerical Weather Predictions
r-wqsNix package
Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
r-wqsptNix package
Permutation Test for Weighted Quantile Sum Regression
Assess Water Quality Trends with Generalized Additive Models
r-WRNix package
Win Ratio Analysis of Composite Time-to-Event Outcomes
A Systematic Data Wrangling Idiom
Useful Wrappers Around Commonly Used Functions
A Collection of Helper and Wrapper Functions
r-wraprNix package
Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming
Interface to the 'ASSP' Library
A Collection of Palettes and Some Functions to Help Use Them
Sample Size, Power and CI for the Win Ratio
Graphics in the Context of Analyzing High-Throughput Data
r-WRINix package
Wasserstein Regression and Inference