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Showing entries 43701-43800 out of 54071.
Read and Write 'Excel' Sheets into and from List of Data Frames
Package required POI jars for the xlsx package
r-xmetaNix package
A Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis
r-XmiscNix package
r-XMLNix package
Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus
r-xml2Nix package
Parse XML
r-XML2RNix package
Easier XML Data Collection
Converting XML Documents into Relational Data Models
Comfortably Converting XML Documents to Dataframes and Vice Versa
Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree
r-xmlrNix package
Read, Write and Work with 'XML' Data
Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')
Fast and Elegant XML Generation
r-xmpdfNix package
Edit 'XMP' Metadata and 'PDF' Bookmarks and Documentation Info
r-xmrrNix package
Generate XMR Control Chart Data from Time-Series Data
r-xnetNix package
Two-Step Kernel Ridge Regression for Network Predictions
Exact Goodness-of-Fit Test for Multinomial Data with Fixed Probabilities
r-xoiNix package
Tools for Analyzing Crossover Interference
r-xopenNix package
Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
Generates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit Testing
Providing Interactive Interpretations and Explanations of Statistical Results
Tools for Interactive Data Exploration
Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
r-xposeNix package
Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models
Diagnostics for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models
r-xpsNix package
r-xptrNix package
r-XRNix package
A Structure for Interfaces from R
r-xrayNix package
X Ray Vision on your Datasets
r-xrfNix package
EXtreme RuleFit
r-xRingNix package
Identify and Measure Tree Rings on X-Ray Micro-Density Profiles
Structured Interface to Julia
r-xrnetNix package
Hierarchical Regularized Regression
r-xROINix package
Structured Interface to 'Python'
r-XRSCCNix package
Statistical Quality Control Simulation
r-xsltNix package
Extensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations
r-xspNix package
The Chi-Square Periodogram
r-xSubNix package
Cross-National Data on Sub-National Violence
Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML
r-xtalNix package
Crystallization Toolset
Network Metrics Based on Random Walks
r-xtsNix package
EXtensible Time Series
r-xtsumNix package
Summary Statistics for Panel Data
r-xtuneNix package
Regularized Regression with Feature-Specific Penalties Integrating External Information
Utility Functions of Fangzhou Xie
r-xVANix package
Calculates Credit Risk Valuation Adjustments
r-xwfNix package
Extrema-Weighted Feature Extraction
r-xxdiNix package
Calculate Expertise Indices
Extremely Fast Hashing of R Objects, Raw Data and Files using 'xxHash' Algorithms
r-xxIRTNix package
Item Response Theory and Computer-Based Testing in R
r-xyzNix package
r-yaccaNix package
Yet Another Canonical Correlation Analysis Package
Consensus Clustering of Omic Data
r-yagerNix package
Yet Another General Regression Neural Network
Fetch Data from Yahoo Finance API
Nearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation Tools
Data Exploration Tools from Yale University
r-yamlNix package
Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
Versatile Curation of Table Metadata
Writing 'YAML' Headers for 'R-Markdown' Documents
r-YammNix package
r-yamssNix package
r-yapNix package
r-yapsNix package
r-YAPSANix package
Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance
r-yarnNix package
r-yarrNix package
Yet Another 'ARFF' Reader
r-yarrrNix package
A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!:
r-yaspNix package
String Functions for Compact R Code
r-yatahNix package
Yet Another TAxonomy Handler
Yatchew (1997), De Chaisemartin & D'Haultfoeuille (2024) Linearity Test
r-ycevoNix package
Nonparametric Estimation of the Yield Curve Evolution