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Showing entries 44701-44800 out of 54071.
s6-dnsNix package
Suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems
s6-linux-initNix package
Set of minimalistic tools used to create a s6-based init system, including a /sbin/init binary, on…
s6-linux-utilsNix package
Set of minimalistic Linux-specific system utilities
s6-man-pagesNix package
Port of the documentation for the s6 supervision suite to mdoc
s6-networkingNix package
Suite of small networking utilities for Unix systems
Port of the documentation for the s6-networking suite to mdoc
Set of tiny general Unix utilities optimized for simplicity and small size
Port of the documentation for the s6-portable-utils suite to mdoc
s6-rcNix package
Service manager for s6-based systems
s6-rc-man-pagesNix package
Mdoc(7) versions of the documentation for the s6-rc service manager
Generate a parser (in Haskell) with the SableCC parser generator
Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
Library of safe (exception free) functions
A simple environment to control access to data
A monadic buffer resilient to exceptions
A friendly shorthand for an old friend
safe-coloured-textsafe-coloured-textNix package
Safely output coloured text
safe-coloured-textsafe-coloured-text_0_3_0_2Nix package
Safely output coloured text
safe-coloured-text-gensafe-coloured-text-genNix package
Generators for types in safe-coloured-text
safe-coloured-text-gensafe-coloured-text-gen_0_0_0_3Nix package
Generators for types in safe-coloured-text
safe-coloured-text-layoutsafe-coloured-text-layoutNix package
Safely layout output coloured text
safe-coloured-text-layoutsafe-coloured-text-layout_0_2_0_1Nix package
Safely layout output coloured text
safe-coloured-text-layout-gensafe-coloured-text-layout-genNix package
Generators for types in safe-coloured-text-layout
safe-coloured-text-layout-gensafe-coloured-text-layout-gen_0_0_0_1Nix package
Generators for types in safe-coloured-text-layout
safe-coloured-text-terminfosafe-coloured-text-terminfoNix package
Safely output coloured text
safe-coloured-text-terminfosafe-coloured-text-terminfo_0_3_0_0Nix package
Safely output coloured text
Relational proof system for probabilistic algorithms
Safe and very efficient arithmetic operations on fixed decimal point numbers
Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling
Safe, checked exceptions
Library for safe functions (deprecated)
Control-monad-exception Instances for safe-failure
Safe wrappers for null-partial Foldable operations
Support for safely freezing multiple arrays in the ST monad
Recursive Arbitrary instances without headaches
Safe top-level mutable variables which scope like ordinary values
Automatic JSON format versioning
A library providing safe lazy IO features
Tired of accidentally calling length on tuples?
Type-safe and lossless encoding and manipulation of money, fiat currencies, crypto currencies and …
Instances from the aeson library for the safe-money library
Instances from the cereal library for the safe-money library
Instances from the serialise library for the safe-money library
Instances from the store library for the safe-money library
Instances from the xmlbf library for the safe-money library
Safe arithmetic operations
A small wrapper over hs-plugins to allow loading safe plugins
Well-typed, flexible and variadic printf for Haskell
Dependently typed tensor algebra
Use RecordWildCards safely
Binary serialization with version control
Making SafeCopy migrations easier
Binary serialization with version control
Overflow-checked Int type
Write output to disk atomically
Safe Paths in Haskell
Type-safe file handling
Extends safer-file-handles with ByteString operations
Extends safer-file-handles with Text operations
A simple type-safe routing library
Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar
Obtain homogeneous values from arbitrary values, transforming or culling data
Fast JSON parsing powered by Chad Austin's sajson library
Compression command-line tool
Haskell representation of messages exchanged on the platform
Configuration (re)Loader and Parser
Configuration Loader for toml
Configuration Loader for yaml
A .NET Bridge for Haskell
Cryptography that's easy to digest (NaCl/libsodium bindings)
Quickcheck implementations for some NaCl data
Semantic version numbers and constraints
Modular web application framework
Demo Salvia servers
Collection of non-fundamental handlers for the Salvia web server
Salvia webserver protocol suite supporting URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME
Session support for the Salvia webserver
Websocket implementation for the Salvia Webserver
Handling of samples in an (audio) signal
Orphan instances for types from sample-frame and numericprelude
Sample values from collections
A stable adaptive mergesort implementation
Binding to the C samtools library
Conduit interface to SAM/BAM format files through samtools
Enumerator interface to SamTools library
Iteratee interface to SamTools library
Data encoding library
SAND data serialization and manipulation library
Manages Cabal sandboxes to avoid rebuilding packages
Record historical command runtimes for later prediction
sandwichsandwichNix package
Yet another test framework for Haskell
sandwichsandwich_0_3_0_2Nix package
Yet another test framework for Haskell
Contexts for the Sandwich test library
Sandwich integration with Hedgehog
Sandwich integration with QuickCheck
Sandwich integration with Slack
sandwich-webdriversandwich-webdriverNix package
Sandwich integration with Selenium WebDriver
sandwich-webdriversandwich-webdriver_0_3_0_0Nix package
Sandwich integration with Selenium WebDriver
Audio library
SARIF implementation for Haskell