Showing entries 44501-44600 out of 54071.
Static site generator based on Shake
[Unmaintained] Type-level Relational DB combinators
Neovim plugin framework for Polysemy
CLI for Ribosome
Neovim plugin host for Polysemy
Test tools for Ribosome
Api extensions for nvim-hs
Test tools for Ribosome
Tiny library to replace classic if/else
Rich environment variable setup for Haskell
Integrated pretty-printing and error/static analysis reporting
Quick metrics to grow your app strong
Handy metrics that don't belong to ridley
A Riemann client for Haskell
RIFF parser for Haskell
A mid-level wrapper for vega-lite
A deep deletion module for node (like rm -rf)
A deep deletion module for node (like rm -rf)
A concurrent, mutable ring-buffer
Mutable ring buffers with atomic updates in GHC Haskell
Ring-like objects
A standard library for Haskell
Generic App type for rio
Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package
Pretty-printing for RIO
A library for process pools coupled with asynchronous message queues
Riot is an Information Organisation Tool
Ripple payment system library
Utilities and types to work with the Ripple federation protocol
Reduced instruction set i386 simulator
Haskell representation of the RISC-V instruction set architecture
A DSL for Risk-oriented Object Detection Requirements
Parses and renders RISON strings
Parallel implementation of Ritt-Wu's algorithm
Rivers are like Streams, but different
A project management tool for Haskell applications
Rivet migration library postgresql backend
Database migration library; automatic importer
Database migration library; core functionality
Postgresql migration support for project management tool
Basic deployment support for project management tool
A reflective JSON serializer/parser
Collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms
Quasiquoter for inline-R code
A data type of run-length-encoded lists
A Haskell codec for RL-Glue
Lists with cheap snocs
Ring-LWE/LWR challenges using Lol
Restricted monad library
Binding to code that controls a Segway RMP
Multi-target RNA sequence design
Draw RNA secondary structures
RNA secondary structure prediction
RNA secondary structure folding
Unsupervized construction of RNA family models
RNA folding with non-canonical basepairs and base-triplets
Haskell implementation of the RNCryptor file format
RNG within an IORef for convenient concurrent use
Simple projects generator
A build daemon for Haskell development
Automatic session-aware servant testing
Simulate keyboard and mouse events
Parser for robots.txt
ROC online clustering algorithm
Gloss interactive demo for roc-cluster package
Implementation of the ROC (Taiwan) National ID standard
A build system for incremental, parallel, and demand-driven computations
Haskell bindings to RocksDB
Haskell bindings for RocksDB
RocksDB database querying library for Haskell
Sci-fi roguelike game
Sci-fi roguelike game
Sci-fi roguelike game
Sci-fi roguelike game
Bindings to Roku's External Control API
Composable class-based roles
Error tracking through
Simple CLI tool to perform commons tasks such as tracking deploys
Core library to communicate with Rollbar API
Core Rollbar data types and APIs
Provides error reporting capabilities to WAI based applications through Rollbar API
Provides error reporting capabilities to Yesod applications through Rollbar API
Playing with applicatives and dice!
Bounded channel for STM that discards old entries when full
Limits the size of a directory's contents
Next-generation ES module bundler
Next-generation ES module bundler
Parsing and pretty printing of Roman numerals
Japanese Romaji <-> Japanese Kana conversion library
Replicated Data Types (RON-RDT)
RON Storage
Describe and render Ronn documentation
Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf
Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf
Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf
Root-finding algorithms (1-dimensional)
Tools for manipulating fingertrees of bytestrings with optional annotations