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Showing entries 4701-4800 out of 54071.
State-space estimation algorithms such as Kalman Filters
Tool for managing probability estimation
Methods for estimating the progress of functions
Repeats from ESTs
esynodePackagesNix package
Package builder for esy
esynodePackages_latestNix package
Package builder for esy
A general data-flow framework
Data-flow based graph algorithms
A new implementation of the LambdaMOO server
Declarative configuration spec for Haskell projects
Client for etcd, a highly-available key value store
Everything breaking the Fairbairn threshold
A 2-D shooting game
Native event-sourcing database
Automatic timestamping for Eternity
Monad transformers and classes
A network analysis toolkit for Haskell
A Ethereum contract analyzer
A CLI frontend for ethereum-analyzer
Stripped dependencies of ethereum-analyzer
A web frontend for ethereum-analyzer
A Haskell version of an Ethereum client
A modified Merkle Patricia DB
Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding
Random etymology online entry
Mathematics utilities for Haskell
Euler tour trees
Dynamic network FRP with events and continuous values
Free foreign exchange/currency feed from the European Central Bank
Library for using euro currency, italian language
Library for computer music research and education
Bindings to libevdev
Bridge for working with evdev and streamly
An extensible event framework
Please see the README on Github at
A value level web framework
Efficient effect handlers based on evidence translation
Monoidal, monadic and first-class events
Library for event driven programming
Event handlers
Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps
Event-graph simulation monad transformer
Initial project template from stack
Core module for eventful
Library for eventful DynamoDB event stores
In-memory implementations for eventful
Postgres implementations for eventful
Common library for SQL event stores
SQLite implementations for eventful
Common module used for eventful tests
Stream GHC eventlog events to external processes
Visualise an eventlog
A different take on an IO system
Interfaces with FreeSwitch Event Socket
Provides an eventsourcing high level API
GetEventStore store implementation
Provides common test specification for Store implementation
An in-memory stub store implementation
Server-Sent Events the UNIX way
CQRS/ES library
PostgreSQL adaptor for eventsourcing
EventStore TCP Client
An event-oriented observability library
Grab bag of eventuo11y-enriched functionality
DSL for defining eventuo11y fields and selectors
Aeson-based rendering for eventuo11y
OpenTelemetry-based rendering for eventuo11y
Prometheus backend for eventuo11y
Run a process every so often
A functional pearl on encoding and decoding using question-and-answer strategies
evm-opcodesevm-opcodesNix package
Opcode types for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
evm-opcodesevm-opcodes_0_2_0Nix package
Opcode types for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
A GHC plugin to derive instances
Environment Variable Parser
An interpreter for EWE programming language
Another fork of resource-pool, with a MonadIO and MonadCatch constraint
Efficient exact computation of combinatoric functions
Efficient exact cover solver
Exact Kantorovich distance between finite probability measures
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi)
Exact real arithmetic
Framework for Exact Real Arithmetic in the Positional Number System
Example Haskell Project
Safely deal with exceptions in ExceptT
exception-hierarchyexception-hierarchyNix package
Exception type hierarchy with TemplateHaskell
exception-hierarchyexception-hierarchy_0_1_0_12Nix package
Exception type hierarchy with TemplateHaskell
Catch all runtime exceptions and send an email
Exception monad transformer instances for monads-fd classes
Exception monad transformer instances for monads-tf classes
Exception monad transformer instances for mtl classes
Type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions
DerivingVia for your hierarchical exceptions
Essentially the Maybe type with error messages
An exception-free readFile for use with '+RTS -xc -RTS' projects
Extensible optionally-pure exceptions
ExceptT, but uses IO instead of Either
A Haskell client for
execlineNix package
Small scripting language, to be used in place of a shell in non-interactive scripts
Port of the documentation for the execline suite to mdoc