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Showing entries 49601-49700 out of 54071.
[Deprecated] A Better way of modeling web resources
Webmachine-style REST library for scotty
Adding session functionality to scotty
TLS for Scotty
Scotty utils library
An extension for Scotty allowing its user to build an HTML page easily
An SCP protocol implementation
Scrabble play generation
Collect posts of site that is wrote in config yaml using feed or scraping
Core Package for scrapbook
Scrape websites for changes
Size limited temp filesystem based on fuse
Take screenshot and copy it to the system clipboard
Stack of error, reader, writer, state, and prompt monad transformers
ESCRIPT: a human friendly language for programming Bitcoin scripts
Scrobbling server
Scroll(6), a roguelike game
This package provides functions for relocate an item within a list
Stronger password hashing via sequential memory-hard functions
Process management and supervision daemon
Multidimensional integration over simplices
A cross platform P2P VPN application built using Haskell
Generic types for Secure Scuttlebutt
Fast CSV lexing on ByteString
Automatic generation of Isabelle/HOL correctness proofs for security protocols
Distributed SDE solver
A parser for SDF version 2.1 using Parsec
Binding to libSDL
Binding to libSDL_gfx
Binding to libSDL_image
Binding to libSDL_mixer
Binding to the SMPEG library
Small testing tool for sdl2 and accelerated drivers
Binding to libSDL_ttf
Both high- and low-level bindings to the SDL library (version 2.0.6+)
Render with Cairo on SDL textures
An image loading and rendering library for sdl2 / sdl2-cairo
Image compositing with sdl2 - declarative style
Run of the mill, frames per second timer implementation
Haskell bindings to SDL2_gfx
Haskell bindings to SDL2_image
Haskell bindings to SDL2_mixer
Sprite previewer/animator
Binding to libSDL-ttf
Bindings to SDL2_ttf
Self-delimiting numeric values encoding library
Simple Data Processing
Binary instances for SDP
DeepSeq SDP extension
Hashable instances for SDP
SDP IO extension
SDP QuickCheck support
SDP wrapper for ByteString
SDP wrapper for Text
SDP classes for unordered containers
SDP wrapper for Vector
A software defined radio library
Small web framework using Warp and WAI
Pure SQL layer on top of other libraries
PostgreSQL backend for Seakale
Helpers to test code using Seakale
Template Haskell support for global configuration data
Infinite search in finite time with Hilbert's epsilon
Common graph search algorithms
Semantic Editor Combinators
A Haskell implementation of the SECD abstract machine
SECDH Machine Simulator
A simple library for static information-flow security in Haskell
Second Transfer HTTP/2 web server
Bindings for secp256k1 library from Bitcoin Core
secp256k1-haskellsecp256k1-haskellNix package
Bindings for secp256k1
secp256k1-haskellsecp256k1-haskell_1_4_2Nix package
Bindings for secp256k1
Fork of secp256k1
Secret Santa game assigner using QR-Codes
Information-theoretic secure secret sharing
Example of writing "secure" file removal in Haskell rather than C
Securely allocated and deallocated memory
Secure point-to-point connectivity library
Simple static linked SHA3 using private symbols and the ref impl
Abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk
Setups secure (unsorted) UDP packet transfer
Sedna C API XML Binding
Data structure for querying the set (or count) of intervals covering given point
Read and Display Seitz Symbol
Cryptography for the casual user
Multi-backend, high-level EDSL for interacting with SQL databases
JSON support for the Selda database library
PostgreSQL backend for the Selda database EDSL
SQLite backend for the Selda database EDSL
Wrap the select(2) POSIX function
Select a subset of RPM packages
Combinators for operating with selections over an underlying functor
Selective applicative functors
CSS Selectors for DOM traversal
Selects a representative subset of sequences from multiple sequence alignment
Test web applications through a browser
Run the selenium standalone server for usage with webdriver
A Haskell library to make self-extracting executables
Restarts the current executable (on binary change)
SELinux bindings