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Showing entries 49701-49800 out of 54071.
Framework and service for analyzing and diffing untrusted code
Types and functionality for working with source code
Semantic Version
Command-line tool for maintaining the Semantique database
Cross-platform abstraction for system semaphores
Various concurrency abstractions built on top of semaphores
Evaluate code snippets in Literate Haskell
Weakened partial isomorphisms, reversible computations
Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor
Extra functions for working with Semialigns
SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith
SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith
A Haskell implementation of semibounded lattices
A semigroup
Semigroupoids that depend on PolyKinds
Semigroupoids: Category sans id
Support for QualifiedDo with semigroupoids classes
RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package
Anything that associates
Semigroups actions
Semirings, ring-like structures used for dynamic programming applications
Basic semiring class and instances
A module for dealing with semirings
semiringssemiringsNix package
Two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
semiringssemirings_0_7Nix package
Two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
semverhaskellPackagesNix package
Representation, manipulation, and de/serialisation of Semantic Versions
semvernodePackagesNix package
The semantic version parser used by npm
semvernodePackages_latestNix package
The semantic version parser used by npm
An implementation of semver and semantic version ranges
A portable sendfile library
Sengrid API
Sendgrid v3 API library
Automatically run Hspec tests on file modifications
Distributed sensor network for the raspberry pi
A tool to send command execution results to Sensu
Easily generating message of japanese natural language
Parser for the SentiWordNet tab-separated file
Process monitoring tool written and configured in Haskell
Check for common SEO mistakes on CI
SmartyPants for Korean language
A data type with elements separated by values
Dynamic strictness control, including space leak repair
Sequence Alignment
Sequence Alignment
Sequence ID production and consumption
Sequence ID IO-Streams
Handle sequence locations for bioinformatics
Read and write BED and GTF format genome annotations
Sequences and measured sequences
A type class for sequences and various sequence data structures
sequence-formatssequence-formatsNix package
A package with basic parsing utilities for several Bioinformatic data formats
sequence-formatssequence-formats_1_10_0_0Nix package
A package with basic parsing utilities for several Bioinformatic data formats
A package with tools for processing DNA sequencing data
Alternative Core language for GHC plugins
Sequential numbers that allow arbitrarily inserting numbers - for containers
Grammar-based compression algorithms SEQUITUR
A sequence labeler based on Collins's sequence perceptron
Binary backend for serdoc
Generated documentation of serialization formats
Interact with Serf via Haskell
POSIX serial port wrapper
Test your 'Aeson' 'Serialize' and 'Binary' instances for stability over time
A binary serialisation library for Haskell values
Encode and decode UUID values in CBOR using uuid-types, cborg and serialise
Instances for Serialize of cereal
Cross platform serial port library
General-purpose functions by Serokell
Simple project template from stack
Dependently typed API framework
Dependently typed API servers with Serv
A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs
Servant endpoints compatible with Rails's ActiveResources
Generates a TypeScript client for Servant APIs
Generic tests for aeson serialization in servant
Authentication combinators for servant
Servant-client/servant-auth compatibility
Authentication via encrypted cookies
Servant-docs/servant-auth compatibility
Authentication via HMAC
Servant-server/servant-auth compatibility
Servant-swagger/servant-auth compatibility
Servant based API and server for token based authorisation
Acid-state backend for servant-auth-token server
Servant based API for token based authorisation
Leveldb backend for servant-auth-token server
Persistent backend for servant-auth-token server
RocksDB backend for servant-auth-token server
Authenticate Routes Using Wordpress Cookies
Avro content type for Servant
Generate benchmark files from a Servant API
Blaze-html support for servant
Servant CSV content-type for cassava
Checked exceptions for Servant APIs
Checked exceptions for Servant APIs
Command line interface for Servant API clients
Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant
Core functionality and class for client function generation for servant APIs
A servant client for frontend JavaScript