Showing entries 5601-5700 out of 54071.
Connect to gargoyle-managed postgresql instances
Manage PostgreSQL servers with gargoyle and nix
A monad transformer for keeping track of where you've come from
A Functional Implementation of the Garsia-Wachs Algorithm
Limit how many steps a program may take
A framework of algebraic classes
An applicative for parsing unordered things, heterogenous sorting
Gatsby command-line interface for creating new sites and running Gatsby commands
Gatsby command-line interface for creating new sites and running Gatsby commands
Small framework for performance measurement and analysis
Non-adaptive Gaussian quadrature for numeric integraton
A library for downloading data from a Great Black Swamp server
Planar graph embedding into a plane
Poor Richard's Memory Manager
A wai application to show GHC.GCStats
GCode processor
Binding to the GNOME configuration database system
A Haskell binding to a subset of the GD graphics library
API Wrapping for Coinbase's GDAX exchange
GDELT V2 (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone)
Generic diff and patch
Generic diff for the instant-generics library
Generate gdiff GADTs and Instances
Recursive atomic build system
Reason about invariants and preconditions with ghosts of departed proofs
Zooming rotating fractal gears graphics demo
An implementation of Gear hash, a fast rolling hash algorithm
Several games
Parser for the GEDCOM genealogy file format
Geek blog engine
Geek blog engine server
Haskell bindings to GEGL library
A graphics description language
FreeType2 based text rendering for the gelatin realtime rendering system
Gelatin's support for rendering TTF outlines, using FontyFruity
OpenGL rendering routines for the gelatin-picture graphics EDSL
An SDL2 backend for the gelatin renderer
Gelatin's OpenGL shaders
A simple Gemini capsule (server)
Generate CSV Exports of Your Gemini Trades, Transfers, & Earn Transactions
Generate CSV Exports of Your Gemini Trades, Transfers, & Earn Transactions
A simple Happstack-style Gemini router
A lightweight server for the Gemini protocol
A barebones textboard for the Gemini protocol
A tiny gemtext parser
A tiny gemtext converter for gemmula
A simple library of helpers for SDL+GL games
Code to generate instances for the package "ghc-instances"
Create wordlist-based passwords easily
Libary for processing the NCBI genbank format
A testing framework inspired by QuickCheck and SmallCheck
Identify a persons gender by their first name
Bindings to libgenders
Library for generating interface documentation from types
Hox gene clustering
Exception-safe resource management in more monads
Library supporting simulation of a number of games
Prelude replacement using generalized type classes where possible
A general TicTacToe game implementation
Python-generators notation for creation of monadic lists
Actually useful monadic random value generators
Stringly-named getters for generic data
Derivation of Aeson instances using GHC generics
Generic implementation for QuickCheck's Arbitrary
Generic Data
Automatically convert Generic instances to and from church representations
Constraints via Generic
Deriving instances with GHC.Generics and related utilities
Deriving instances with GHC.Generics and related utilities
Structural assertions on generic data representations
Familiar functions lifted to generic data types
Surgery for generic data types
Generic deep evaluation of data structures
Generic programming library for generalised deriving
Generic programming library for generalised deriving
An Enum class that fixes some deficiences with Prelude's Enum
Generically derived enumerations
Generic Environment Generator
Deriving generalized functors with GHC.Generics
Generically extract and replace collections of record fields
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Monomorphic field lens like with generic-lens
Derive Bounded and Enum for sum types and Enum for product types
General-purpose web page scaffold for Lucid
First class pattern matching
A generic version of Data
Derive monoid instances for product types
Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
Monomorphic field opics like with generic-lens
Provides functionality for overriding instances for generic derivation
Provides orphan instances necessary for integrating generic-override and aeson
Database persistence using generics
Pretty printing for Generic value
GenericPretty canonical instances
Generic random generators for QuickCheck
Magic record operations using generics
Simple generic TCP/IP server
Generic implementation of Storable