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Showing entries 5301-5400 out of 54071.
force-layoutforce-layoutNix package
Simple force-directed layout
force-layoutforce-layout_0_4_1Nix package
Simple force-directed layout
Run a command on files with magic substituion support (sequencing and regexp)
A Haskell library for working with data
A collection of helpers for ffi
Types and instances for implementing a Storable with different peek and poke
Store a stable pointer in a foreign context to be retrieved later
Encapsulating mutatable state in external libraries
Tree and Forest types
Recursively delete CloudFormation stacks and their dependants
Comparison of trees and forests
Tree- and forest structures
forevernodePackagesNix package
A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given node script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
forevernodePackages_latestNix package
A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given node script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
Print Forex quotes in Ledger format
Library for generating fake placeholder data
An implementation of forkIO for monad stacks
Forkable monad transformers
Parse and validate forms in JSON format
A statically typed, functional programming language
(Context-free) grammars in formal language theory
Rendering from and scanning to format strings
Various number formatting functions
A utility for writing the date to dzen2
Formatting of doubles
Business-quality formatting of numbers, dates, and other things
Combinator-based type-safe formatting (like printf() or FORMAT)
A statically typed, functional programming language
Formlets implemented in Haskell
HSP support for Formlets
Parse and serialize FDF, the Forms Data Format
Formura is a simple language to describe stencil computation
ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language
ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language
ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language
A simple eDSL for generating arrayForth code
Parsers and analyses for Fortran standards 66, 77, 90, 95 and 2003 (partial)
Common functions and utils for fortran-src
Fortran memory model and other static analysis tools
Interactive terminal prompt
Concurrent channels with a forwarding primitive
Foscam File format
Foscam File format
Foscam File format
Utilities to generate and solve puzzles
Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies
Foundation's edge with the conventional set of packages
A fountain codec
fourmolufourmoluNix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
fourmolufourmolu_0_15_0_0Nix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
fourmolufourmolu_0_16_2_0Nix package
A formatter for Haskell source code
IEEE 754-2019 compliant operations
Simple interface to the FP Complete IDE API
Format-preserving encryption
F#-style composition and application
Haskell bindings to fplll
A binding for the Financial Products Markup Language (v5.3)
A library for NLA operations
Example implementations for FPNLA library
Efficient simple pretty printing combinators
IEEE754r floating point conformance tests
Installed package query tool for Gentoo Linux
Draw Newton, Julia and Mandelbrot fractals
Generates colorful wallpapers
Fractal renderer
A collection of useful fractal curve encoders
Numbers in the range [0.005, 1] as a sum of 2, 3, 4 or 5 unit fractions of special types
A 3-D First Person Shooter Game
A simple web framework
A markdown to Frame GUI writer for Pandoc
Data frames for working with tabular data files
A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures
Alternative CSV parser for the Frames package
Frames wrapper for map-reduce-folds and some extra folds helpers
A streamly layer for Frames I/O
A package for configuring and building Haskell software
An experimental programming language with typed algebraic effects
Append-only database
Cached and parallel data fetching
CLI frecency history
Haskell application toolkit used at Freckle
Some extension to the envparse library
Some extensions to the annotated-exception library
Please see
Some extensions to the hw-kafka-client library
Please see
Please see
Standard prelude for Freckle applications
Monads for free
Free monads based on intuitions from the Data types à la Carte
Free algebras
Free Applicative Transformer
Free categories
Efficient data types for free categories and arrows
Free monads suitable for concurrent computation
An extensible effects library
Efficient Type-Safe Capture-Avoiding Substitution for Free (Scoped Monads)