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Showing entries 6501-6600 out of 54071.
graphqlhaskellPackages.graphql_1_5_0_0Nix package
Haskell GraphQL implementation
graphqlnodePackages.graphqlNix package
A Query Language and Runtime which can target any service
graphqlnodePackages_latest.graphqlNix package
A Query Language and Runtime which can target any service
graphql-clinodePackagesNix package
Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
graphql-clinodePackages_latestNix package
Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
A client for Haskell programs to query a GraphQL API
An interface for building GraphQL language services for IDEs
An interface for building GraphQL language services for IDEs
GraphQL with batteries
GraphQL Utils
GraphQL interface middleware for SQL databases
A simple monadic graph library
Tarjan's algorithm for computing the strongly connected components of a graph
Graph indexed monads
A simple tool to illustrate dependencies between Haskell types
A simple interface for generating persistent data and linking its dependencies
A declarative library for describing dependencies between data
Bindings to Graphviz for graph visualisation
Execute Graql queries on a Grakn graph
GRASP implementation for the AMMM project
Generate Gravatar image URLs
Gray code encoder/decoder
Gray encoding schemes
Support for graylog output
GreenCard, a foreign function pre-processor for Haskell
A foreign function interface pre-processor library for Haskell
Simple clipboard manager to be integrated with rofi
A scalable distributed logger with a high-precision global time axis
Graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server
Embedded grammar DSL and LALR parser generator
Practical Deep Learning in Haskell
Generalised replicate functions
Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language
Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language - core data types and tools
Haskell client for Gremlin Server using WebSocket serializer
Uniformly-random pre-factored numbers (Kalai)
Tools for working with regular grids (graphs, lattices)
Game engine for Prototyping on a Grid
Collision detection for GridBox
A grid box model
GridFS (MongoDB file storage) implementation
Grid-based multimedia engine
Arbitrary sized type-safe grids with useful combinators
Parser for reStructuredText-style grid tables
Symbolic evaluation as a library
Support for monad-coroutine package with Grisette
Grm grammar converter
Pretty printing for well-behaved Show instances
Command line utility to manage AWS ECS resources
A spoof on gloss for terminal animation
Parser and selection library for expression languages
Type-safe datatype-database mapping library
Extended Converter Library for groundhog embedded types
Type-safe datatype-database mapping library
MySQL backend for the groundhog library
PostgreSQL backend for the groundhog library
Sqlite3 backend for the groundhog library
Type-safe datatype-database mapping library
Shell command for grouping files by dates into folders
The theory of groups
Classify objects by key-generating function, like SQL GROUP BY
Replacement definition of Data
Grouped lists
A Groupoid class
This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0
Generically derive Group instances
A declarative make-like interpreter
Mutable vector with efficient appends
A contiguous growable array type
A revised version of the scotty library that attempts to be simpler and more performant
Notification utility for Growl
Generated messages and instances for etcd gRPC
GRPC client for etcd
Haskell implementation of gRPC layered on shared C library
Haskell implementation of gRPC layered on shared C library
Fractal explorer GUI using the ruff library
Mandelbrot Set examples using ruff and gruff
grunt-clinodePackagesNix package
The grunt command line interface
grunt-clinodePackages_latestNix package
The grunt command line interface
Bindings for GNU libgsasl
Generic implementation of Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia weighting
Scrapes google scholar, provides RSS feed
Bindings the the GSL random number generation facilities
Instances for using gsl-random with random-fu
A visual generic menu
Libgssapi and libkrb5 bindings for haskell
WAI Middleware for SPNEGO authentiaction
Generic implementation of Storable
Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework
Console and GUI interface for Google Translate service
A library for GTA programming
The General Transit Feed Specification format
GTFS RealTime protobafs library (autogenerated from .proto file)
Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library
A collection of auxiliary operations and widgets related to Gtk+
A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows inputing of JSON values
Large TreeStore support for gtk2hs
Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library