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Showing entries 1-100 out of 408.
chickenNix package categories
elmNix package categories
gcc-arm-embeddedNix package categories
graalvmNix package categories
llvmNix package categories
meta-environmentNix package categories
openjdkNix package categories
purescriptNix package categories
swiftNix package categories
yosysNix package categories
abclNix package
A JVM-based Common Lisp implementation
acme-unstableNix package
A multi-platform cross assembler for 6502/6510/65816 CPUs
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-binNix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-hotspot-bin-15Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-hotspot-bin-16Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-hotspot-bin-8Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binopenjdk11-bootstrapNix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binopenjdk17-bootstrapNix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-hotspot-binopenjdk8-bootstrapNix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
Java web browser plugin and an implementation of Java Web Start
adoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-jre-binNix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-bin-15Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-bin-16Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-binadoptopenjdk-jre-hotspot-bin-8Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-11Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-15Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-16Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-jre-openj9-bin-8Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-openj9-bin-11Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-openj9-bin-15Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-openj9-bin-16Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
adoptopenjdk-openj9-binadoptopenjdk-openj9-bin-8Nix package
AdoptOpenJDK, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
alanNix package
The Alan interactive fiction language
alan2Nix package
The Alan interactive fiction language (legacy version)
ante-unstableNix package
A low-level functional language for exploring refinement types, lifetime inference, and algebraic …
apache-flex-sdkNix package
Flex SDK for Adobe Flash / ActionScript
arachne-pnrNix package
Place and route tool for FPGAs
armipsNix package
Assembler for various ARM and MIPS platforms
as31Nix package
An 8031/8051 assembler
aslNix package
Portable macro cross assembler
asn1cNix package
Open Source ASN.1 Compiler
aspectjNix package
A seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language
aspnetcore-runtimedotnet-aspnetcoreNix package
ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.30
aspnetcore-runtimedotnet-aspnetcore_7Nix package
ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0.19
aspnetcore-runtimedotnet-aspnetcore_8Nix package
ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0.5
aspnetcore-runtimedotnetCorePackages.aspnetcore_9_0Nix package
ASP.NET Core Runtime 9.0.0-preview.2.24128.4
atasmNix package
A commandline 6502 assembler compatible with Mac/65
atsNix package
Functional programming language with dependent types
ats2Nix package
Functional programming language with dependent types
auditable-cargoNix package
A tool to make production Rust binaries auditable
august-unstableNix package
An Emmet-like language that produces JSON, TOML, or YAML
avraNix package
Assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
ballerinaNix package
An open-source programming language for the cloud
ber-metaocamlNix package
Multi-Stage Programming extension for OCaml
berkeley_upcNix package
A compiler for the Berkely Unified Parallel C language
bfcNix package
An industrial-grade brainfuck compiler
biglooNix package
Efficient Scheme compiler
binaryenNix package
Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, in C++
A markup language for GTK user interface files
bluespecNix package
Toolchain for the Bluespec Hardware Definition Language
bs-platformNix package
A JavaScript backend for OCaml focused on smooth integration and clean generated code
c0Nix package
A small safe subset of the C programming language, augmented with contracts
c3cNix package
Compiler for the C3 language
cairoNix package
Turing-complete language for creating provable programs for general computation
cakelispNix package
A performance-oriented Lisp-like language
cargoNix package
Downloads your Rust project's dependencies and builds your project
cargo-auditableNix package
A tool to make production Rust binaries auditable
carpNix package
A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications
cc65Nix package
C compiler for processors of 6502 family
cclNix package
Clozure Common Lisp
chez-schemeNix package
A powerful and incredibly fast R6RS Scheme compiler
Fork of Chez Scheme for Racket
ciaoNix package
A general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Prolog family
circtNix package
Circuit IR compilers and tools
claspNix package
A Common Lisp implementation based on LLVM with C++ integration
cleanNix package
General purpose, state-of-the-art, pure and lazy functional programming language
clippyNix package
A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code
closure-compilerNix package
A tool for making JavaScript download and run faster
cmdstanNix package
Command-line interface to Stan
cmucl-binaryNix package
The CMU implementation of Common Lisp
codonNix package
A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM
coffeescriptcoffeescriptNix package
A little language that compiles into JavaScript package
A little language that compiles into JavaScript package
A little language that compiles into JavaScript
colmNix package
A programming language for the analysis and transformation of computer languages
computecppNix package
Accelerate Complex C++ Applications on Heterogeneous Compute Systems using Open Standards
cone-unstableNix package
Cone Programming Language
copperNix package
Simple imperative language, statically typed with type inference and genericity
corralNix package
Corral is a dependency management tool for ponylang (ponyc)
correttocorretto11Nix package
Amazon's distribution of OpenJDK
correttocorretto17Nix package
Amazon's distribution of OpenJDK
correttocorretto19Nix package
Amazon's distribution of OpenJDK
correttocorretto21Nix package
Amazon's distribution of OpenJDK
critclNix package
Easily embed C code in Tcl
crystalcrystalNix package
A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference
crystalcrystal_1_2Nix package
A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference
crystalcrystal_1_7Nix package
A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference
crystalcrystal_1_8Nix package
A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference
crystalcrystal_1_9Nix package
A compiled language with Ruby like syntax and type inference
crystal2nixNix package
Utility to convert Crystal's shard.lock files to a Nix file