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Showing entries 1-24 out of 24.
commonNix package categories
libclclibclcNix package
Implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language
libclcllvmPackages.libclcNix package
Implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language
libclcllvmPackages_16.libclcNix package
Implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language
libclcllvmPackages_18.libclcNix package
Implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language
lldblldbNix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_12Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_13Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_14Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_15Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_16Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldblldb_18Nix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldbllvmPackages_18.lldbNix package
A next-generation high-performance debugger
lldb-manpagesllvmPackagesNix package
Man pages for LLDB 17.0.6
lldb-manpagesllvmPackages_15Nix package
Man pages for LLDB 15.0.7
lldb-manpagesllvmPackages_16Nix package
Man pages for LLDB 16.0.6
lldb-manpagesllvmPackages_18Nix package
Man pages for LLDB 18.1.5
llvm-binutilsllvmPackagesNix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_12Nix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_13Nix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_14Nix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_15Nix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_16Nix package
llvm-binutilsllvmPackages_18Nix package