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Showing entries 301-364 out of 364.
scryer-prologNix package
Modern Prolog implementation written mostly in Rust
semeru-binsemeru-binNix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-binsemeru-bin-11Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-binsemeru-bin-17Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-binsemeru-bin-8Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-jre-binsemeru-jre-binNix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-jre-binsemeru-jre-bin-11Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-jre-binsemeru-jre-bin-17Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
semeru-jre-binsemeru-jre-bin-8Nix package
IBM Semeru Runtime, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
serpentNix package
Compiler for the Serpent language for Ethereum
shadercNix package
Collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation
siliceNix package
Open source language that simplifies prototyping and writing algorithms on FPGA architectures
sjasmplusNix package
Z80 assembly language cross compiler
smlnjNix package
Standard ML of New Jersey, a compiler
smlnj-bootstrapNix package
Compiler for the Standard ML '97 programming language
solcNix package
Compiler for Ethereum smart contract language Solidity
souffleNix package
Translator of declarative Datalog programs into the C++ language
Z80 assembler with extra features to support development for TI calculators
Tool and a library for bi-directional translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR
squeakNix package
Squeak virtual machine
stalinNix package
Optimizing Scheme compiler
swi-prologswiPrologNix package
Prolog compiler and interpreter
swi-prologswiPrologWithGuiNix package
Prolog compiler and interpreter
tccNix package
Small, fast, and embeddable C compiler and interpreter
temurin-binopenjdk11-bootstrapNix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-binopenjdk17-bootstrapNix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-binopenjdk8-bootstrapNix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-bintemurin-binNix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-bintemurin-bin-21Nix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-jre-bintemurin-jre-binNix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-jre-bintemurin-jre-bin-11Nix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-jre-bintemurin-jre-bin-17Nix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-jre-bintemurin-jre-bin-21Nix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
temurin-jre-bintemurin-jre-bin-8Nix package
Eclipse Temurin, prebuilt OpenJDK binary
terraNix package
Low-level counterpart to Lua
tinygoNix package
Go compiler for small places
tvmNix package
End to End Deep Learning Compiler Stack for CPUs, GPUs and accelerators
typescriptnodePackages.typescriptNix package
Superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output
typescriptnodePackages_latest.typescriptNix package
Superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output
typescripttypescriptNix package
Superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output
uasmNix package
Free MASM-compatible assembler based on JWasm
Modern, statically-typed purely functional language
urnNix package
Yet another Lisp variant which compiles to Lua
urwebNix package
Advanced purely-functional web programming language
valavalaNix package
Compiler for GObject type system
valavala_0_56Nix package
Compiler for GObject type system
vlangNix package
Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software
vyperNix package
Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
wcc-unstableNix package
Witchcraft compiler collection: tools to convert and script ELF files
wla-dxNix package
Yet Another GB-Z80/Z80/6502/65C02/6510/65816/HUC6280/SPC-700 Multi Platform Cross Assembler Packag…
X11basicNix package
Basic interpreter and compiler with graphics capabilities
Statically typed, imperative programming language (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu wrapper)
Statically typed, imperative programming language (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu wrapper)
yapNix package
ISO-compatible high-performance Prolog compiler
yasmNix package
Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
yosyspython311Packages.yosysNix package
Open RTL synthesis framework and tools
yosyspython312Packages.yosysNix package
Open RTL synthesis framework and tools
yosysyosysNix package
Open RTL synthesis framework and tools
z88dkNix package
Z80 Development Kit
zasmNix package
Z80 / 8080 / Z180 assembler (for unix-style OS)
zulu-ca-jdkzuluNix package
Certified builds of OpenJDK
zulu-ca-jdkzulu11Nix package
Certified builds of OpenJDK
zulu-ca-jdkzulu17Nix package
Certified builds of OpenJDK
zulu-ca-jdkzulu8Nix package
Certified builds of OpenJDK