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Showing entries 1-31 out of 31.
cubeb-unstableNix package
Cross platform audio library
game-music-emugame-music-emuNix package
A collection of video game music file emulators
game-music-emulibgmeNix package
A collection of video game music file emulators
libbassNix package
Shareware audio library
libbass_fxNix package
Shareware audio library
libbs2bNix package
Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library
libinstpatchNix package
MIDI instrument patch files support library
libkeyfinderNix package
Musical key detection for digital audio (C++ library)
libmysofaNix package
Reader for AES SOFA files to get better HRTFs
libopenmptlibopenmptNix package
Cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music files into a raw PCM audio stream
libopenmptopenmpt123Nix package
Cross-platform C++ and C library to decode tracked music files into a raw PCM audio stream
A libmodplug emulation layer based on libopenmpt
libsmfNix package
A C library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files
libspecbleachNix package
C library for audio noise reduction
lilvNix package
A C library to make the use of LV2 plugins
lv2Nix package
A plugin standard for audio systems
lvtkNix package
A set C++ wrappers around the LV2 C API
mbelibNix package
P25 Phase 1 and ProVoice vocoder
ntkNix package
Fork of FLTK 1.3.0 with additional functionality
qm-dspNix package
A C++ library of functions for DSP and Music Informatics purposes
raul-unstableNix package
A C++ utility library primarily aimed at audio/musical applications
roc-toolkitNix package
Roc is a toolkit for real-time audio streaming over the network
rtaudioNix package
A set of C++ classes that provide a cross platform API for realtime audio input/output
rtmidiNix package
A set of C++ classes that provide a cross platform API for realtime MIDI input/output
sratomNix package
A library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF
suilNix package
A lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
vamp-plugin-sdkNix package
Audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data
zita-alsa-pcmiNix package
The successor of clalsadrv, provides easy access to ALSA PCM devices
zita-convolverNix package
Convolution library by Fons Adriaensen
zita-resamplerNix package
Resample library by Fons Adriaensen
zixNix package
A lightweight C99 portability and data structure library