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Showing entries 1-25 out of 25.
avogadrolibsNix package
Molecule editor and visualizer
cppeNix package
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
dftd4Nix package
Generally Applicable Atomic-Charge Dependent London Dispersion Correction
harminvNix package
Harmonic inversion algorithm of Mandelshtam: decompose signal into sum of decaying sinusoids
libGDSIINix package
Library and command-line utility for reading GDSII geometry files
libmsymNix package
Molecular point group symmetry lib
Portable C library of density functionals with van der Waals interactions for density functional t…
mctc-libNix package
Modular computation tool chain library
mmtf-cppNix package
A library of exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
molequeueNix package
Desktop integration of high performance computing resources
mstoreNix package
Molecular structure store for testing
multichargeNix package
Electronegativity equilibration model for atomic partial charges
openmmopenmmNix package
Toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code
openmmpython311Packages.openmmNix package
Toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code
openmmpython312Packages.openmmNix package
Toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code
plumedNix package
Molecular metadynamics library
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
Reimplementation of the DFT-D3 program
Light-weight tight-binding framework
C++ and Python library for Polarizable Embedding
Reimplementation of the DFT-D3 program
Light-weight tight-binding framework
simple-dftd3Nix package
Reimplementation of the DFT-D3 program
tbliteNix package
Light-weight tight-binding framework
xcfunNix package
A library of exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives