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Showing entries 13401-13500 out of 18611.
Module for simple Modbus interactions
Python scrapper to access ModDB mods, games and more as objects
Object factory for Django
Hyperintensional theorem prover for counterfactual conditionals and modal operators
Python package for handling ModelCIF mmCIF and BinaryCIF files
Universal data modeling for Python
High performance rendering for Python
Cross platform helper library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
Library for building interactive maps
Python library for Hawk HTTP authorization
Unique molecular identifiers for molecular barcoding
Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
Collection on molecule plugins
Urban Morphology Measuring Toolkit
Pytorch framework (based on Ignite) for deep learning in medical imaging
Framework and tools to design, develop and verify AI applications in healthcare imaging
Comprehensive Python module for handling Monero
MongoDB-backed Python dict-like interface
MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB
Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code
Python implementation of mongodb queries
Python monitor controls using DDC-CI
Small library to assist users of the python shell who work in contexts where printed numbers are m…
Python library that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
Implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
Monotonically align text and speech
Serves as a complement to the Python standard library by providing a suite of tools to solve many …
Module to work with the Monzo API
Python API for the Moonraker API
Library for Mopeka IoT BLE devices
Expansion of the itertools module
Collection of property variants
Construct and use map tile grids in different projection
Wrapper to make difflib.unified_diff more fun to use
Many more basic tools for python 2/3 extending itertools, functools, operator and collections
Tool for unsupervised and semi-supervised morphological segmentation
Smart conversions between unicode and bytes types
Mortgage calculator
Python library for interfacing with Motion Blinds
Module to interface with Motionblinds motors using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Python library for motionEye
Allows your tests to easily mock out AWS Services
Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio
Application to display XY position and RGB color information for the pixel currently under the mou…
Video editing with Python
REST API for the Bang & Olufsen Mozart platform
Django OpenID Connect library
MPEG-DASH MPD(Media Presentation Description) Parser
Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface standard
Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib
Typst backend for matplotlib
Interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib
Interactive data cursors for matplotlib
Matplotlib utilities for the visualization, and visual analysis, of financial data
Extended histogram plots on top of matplotlib and HEP compatible styling similar to current collab…
Sub-package to hold data (fonts) for mplhep
Convert Matplotlib plots into Leaflet web maps
Pure-Python library for multiprecision floating arithmetic
Publish a MediaPlayer2 MPRIS device to D-Bus
Python interface to the mpv media player
Python library for extracting MPQ (MoPaQ) files
Flexible MQTT to InfluxDB Bridge
Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services
MrSQM (Multiple Representations Sequence Miner) is a time series classifier
Python module for integrating with Microsoft Active Directory domains
Correlation vector implementation in python
Library to access the Microsoft Cloud by supporting authentication of users with Microsoft Azure A…
Microsoft Authentication Library Extensions (MSAL-Extensions) for Python
Makes the Microsoft Trusted Root Program's Certificate Trust Lists available in Python
Python module to read, parse and converting Microsoft Outlook MSG E-Mail files
MessagePack serializer implementation
Numpy data type serialization using msgpack
Core component of the Microsoft Graph Python SDK
Microsoft Graph SDK for Python
Module to handle JSON/MessagePack
Python LDAP library for auditing MS AD
Python library for local control of Midea (and associated brands) smart air conditioners
Python tool and library for decrypting MS Office files with passwords or other keys
Simulate genealogical trees and genomic sequence data using population genetic models
Runtime library for AutoRest generated Python clients
Runtime library 'msrestazure' for AutoRest generated Python clients
Cross-platform multiple screenshots module
Microsoft Threat Intelligence Security Tools
Module to parse MT940 files and returns smart Python collections for statistics and manipulation
MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow
Python bindings for MuJoCo: a general purpose physics simulator
Use the fastest JSON functions available at import time
Python client for the Mullvad API
Find Mullvad servers with the lowest latency at your location
Multiplex interactions with lists of Python objects
Multidict implementation
Multiple argument dispatching
Parser for multipart/form-data
Relatively sane approach to multiple dispatch in Python
Multiprocessing and multithreading in Python
Generate a multiscale, chunked, multi-dimensional spatial image data structure that can serialized…
Implementation of a multiset